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Comboni Schools Statute 1967
I Fundamental Principles on which Comboni Schools are run 1. A school is an
institution catering for the development of the student
as a whole, i.e. for his physical, intellectual and moral
development. 2. The threefold object of a school is attained through the physical exercises it encourages among the students, through the teaching and study of academic subjects (or technical ones) and the fostering and acquiring of good habits, both individual and social, to the promotion of which every school worthy of its name must dedicate itself. 3. The attainement [sic] of the school's object requires the continuous and willing cooperation of students and school authorities. 4. It is the
school authorities' share in this work to direct and
advise the students in all their activities without
stifling their initiative, but rather encouraging it,
thus fostering the development of the students'
personality. 5. This distinction of the roles of school authorities and students is an essential element in the school's constitution and indispensable for the the accomplishment if [sic] its task. It does not mean separation or mutual exclusion of the two roles, but rather active cooperation. No school can exist without this principle being practically acknowledged. 6. The school
authorities' work of directing and advising includes the
following points as essential: (ii) Laying down the syllabus and choosing text-books for all subjects as well as the work to be done for each. (iii) Working out the school-calendar and time-table. (iv) Laying down the broad lines to be pursued and the principles underlying all other non-strictly scholastic activities, such as societies, sports, etc., as well as supervising and directing them. 7. In all matters mentioned in No. 6 as well as in similar ones the school authorities' competence is exclusive. 8. The school
authorities' claim to exclusive competence in directing
and advising their students rests on the universally
acknowledged principles that they replace the pupils'
parents who entrust their children to the school
authorities. 9. Because of what stated in No. 8, the Comboni Schools' authorities welcome and indeed consider as essential the cooperation between parents and themselves. 10. Since every
parent entrusts to the school his children individually,
the Comboni Schools' authorities consider themselves
accountable and responsible for every student to his
parents, and not for the whole body students to the whole
body of parents. 11. Because of the principles stated in Nos. 8-11. Comboni Schools' authorities consider as absolutely unwarranted and unacceptable every attempt by any individual or organization, such as Parents' Council, or Students' Unions, to interfere in the running of the school or in what concerns individual students. 12, What
stated in Nos. 6-11 does not exclude the competence of
the Ministry of Education, in keeping with the
Non-Government School Ordinance, to give advice,
instructions and directives in all matter mentioned
there. Chapter II
1. Comboni Schools were opened and are run by the Catholic Chruch in the Sudan first of all to cater for the educational needs of the Christian community in this country whatever their race and nationality may be. 2. They are property of the Catholic Church and Community and are subject to and administered by the Heads of the Catholic Church in the different parts of the Sudan. 3. Comboni
School are "private" schools only in the
sense that they are not state property, not in the sense
that are not owned by a public body or do not fulfil [sic]]
a public mission. 4. The Heads of the Catholic Curch exercise their authority over Comboni Schools either personally and directly or through Church Councils convened and sitting as Church Educational Counsils. 5. Under the
Church authorities, the Central Church School Council has
power to discuss and settle all matters affecting Comboni
Schools in general, or some school in particular, be they
financial or educational or of any other kind. 6. Being "private"
and "independent" schools, Comboni
Schools are entirely self-supporting. They are run on
what they can collect from the Catholic Community and
from the students in the shape of school fees. Hence the
need of making students pay school fees and of adjusting
them to circumstances of time and place. 7. Christian students shall be taught the Christian religion. Other student shall have an opportunity of being taught their religion. 8. In all other
respects, and as far as compatible with the needs of the
students for whom the cater, Comboni Schools shall
conform to the other schools in the country under the
Ministry of Education. Chapter III
1. At the head of every Comboni School there is a Headmaster. 2. In the running of the school over which he presides he shall be assisted, provided the size of the school so requires, by an Assistant Headmaster and/or by a Warden. 3. In each
school there shall be a School Council. 4. House Masters, who must be members of the staff, shall be in charge of House into which the student population is grouped for the purpose of non-strictly scholastic or academic work, such as sports. 5. Sports activities shall be the responsibility, under the Headmaster, of a Sport Master. 6. The various societies, into which students form for cultural and social activities other than those strictly scholastic, shall be under Society Officials, that must be members of the Staff. 7. A Class Official, who must be a member of the Staff, may be asked by the Headmaster or Warden to be in charge of certain aspects of school discipline in their own class. 8. Monitor are appointed by the Headmaster or Warden to be in charge of certain aspects of school discipline in their own classes. 9. The School Council shall also function as a Discipline Council when convened for such purpose. Chapter IV
1. In each Comboni School there shall be a School Council. 2. The School
Council shall consist of 3. The Headmaster is the Chairman of the School Council whenever it meets. 4. The Headmaster shall convene his School Council regularly once a month for ordinary meetings, and whenever he thinks it necessary for extraordinary meetings. 5. He shall draft the agenda for the meetings, but the members of the Council may request him to include points to be discussed at the meetings. 6. He shall circulate to the members of the council the agenda of the meetings in good time so that they may have a chance of studying it before the meetings. 7. He shall give the members of the Council every opportunity of expressing their views on all the agenda points and take their views into the greatest consideration, but the final decision shall always be taken by him. 8. Matters to be
discussed at Council meetings shall include whatever may
affect the life of the school, be it educational,
disciplinary or financial, or of any other kind. 9. Financial matters regarding staff salaries and school fees shall be discussed only within the frame of the instructions issued by the Central School Council. Any amendment to such instructions as seems to be required by particular circumstances may be freely discussed and submitted to the Central School Council, but not carried out without their approval. 10. The lay members of the Local Church Council may be co-opted as members in all matters of importance and matters which directly concern the general public. 11. The Council Secretary shall draft the minutes of the proceedings at each meeting to be read and approved at the next Council meeting and to be entered into the minutes book and signed by the members of the Council. 12. Whenever matters concerning some particular subject or aspect of school life are to be discussed at a School Council meeting, members of the Staff particularly interested in it may be invited to attend the meeting. Chapter V
1. An ordinary general staff meeting shall be convened by the Headmaster at least once every time a report is issued. 2. Extraordinary general meetings may be convoked by him any time he thinks there is sufficient reason for doing so. 3. Extraordinary general meeting may be requested by the Staff if the majority of it are agreed about holding them. But it is up to the Headmaster to decide whether such meetings are to be held or not. 4. The Headmaster shall be the Chairman at all such general meetings. 5. He shall prepare the agenda for them and circulate it in good time to all members of the Staff so that they may have an opportunity of seeing it in advance and preparing to discuss it. 6. Members of the Staff shall have the right to request the Headmaster to include in the agenda of General meetings any point they think worth discussing. 7. All members of the Staff are to attend general meetings. They shall be given every opportunity of expressing their views on all points of the agenda and their opinion and advice shall be taken into the greatest consideration; but the final decision will rest with the Headmaster. 8. Matter to be discussed at general meetings are the same as those that may be discussed at Council meetings, i.e. all matters affecting the life of the school, and discussions are subjects to the same restrictions. 9. Other very
important and useful purposes of general meetings are
listening to the Headmaster's reports on the school's
activities, the Staff's and pupils work and conduct, and
other aspects of school life, and talks on school
discipline, methods of teaching and other educational
problems given by the Headmaster of by somebody else with
his approval or at his request. Chapter VI
1. At least once a year - preferably towards the end of term - Subject Panel meetings shall be held in every school. 2. Such meetings shall be attended by all members of the Staff concerned with the subject to be discussed. 3. They shall be presided over by the Headmaster, or, in his absence, by the senior master of that subject 4. At such meetings shall be discussed methods of teaching the subject in question, text-book already in use or to be adopted, the syllabus of each subject, the kind and amount of work to be given, methods of correcting and marking the work, and similar points. 5. In all such matters, too, the final word will be the Headmaster's. 1. The Headmaster is the head of the school and of all its departments. Hence he lays down its policy and aims in keeping with the general aims of Comboni schools and local circumstances and supervises their working out by the school officials in all their details. He has full authority on Staff an pupils within the limits of his compentece. 2. In
particular, he: 3. He shall welcome and even invite the opinion of the School Officials and Staff on all matters concerning the school, and take it into consideration. 4. On the other hand, it is his duty to call the attention of School Officials and Staff to anything which in their work is not in keeping with the school regulations and traditions. 5. All official documents and correspondence shall be signed by the Headmaster or for him. 6. A copy of all official papers and documents issued by School Officials, as well as a copy of all time-tables and instructions issued to students shall be submitted to the Headmaster for his information, and if necessary, for filing. The same applies to correspondence conducted by Wardens or other School Officials in the discharge of their duties, if they think it worthwhile to show it for the Headmaster's information. Chapter VIII
1. He is the first and natural adviser of the Headmaster, and shall be consulted in all important matters before anybody else. 2. In the Headmaster's absence, he has the same powers as the Headmaster, unless instructions to the contrary have been issued. 1. School Wardens are mainly responsible for the day-to-day smooth running of the school by applying the principles that govern it to the details of its everyday life. 2. In
particular, the school Warden 3. If the
Headmaster asks him to do it, he has the ordinary
supervision of the work of masters which he may arrange
as he thinks best. 4. As regards
students, the school Wardens 5. A more detailed report on the work of each teacher, together with his recommendations and remarks, is to be submitted to the Headmaster at the end of every school year. 6. Although he
is not responsible for the general school policy, it is
both his duty and right to offer the Headmaster advice on
all matters concerning the school, its standard, its
expansion, etc., so that, instead of deteriorating, it
improves in every respect. 1. He takes the place of the Warden and has the same power and duties in the latter's absence, or when such powers and duties are delegated to him by the Warden. 2. He must
cooperate with the Warden whose first adviser he is and
who should consult him in all principal matters. 1. Schoolmasters take the place of the boy's parents an tutors while boys are at school, and to them the education of the boys is entrusted by parents and tutors under the school authorities and in full cooperation with them. 2. Every schoolmaster, irrespective of what he teaches, must take the education of the boys entrusted to him very seriously, and promote in every possible way not only their intellectual development, but also their moral welfare, chiefly by his good example, by inculcating good principles, encouraging the habit of work and discipline, and by correcting and punishing his pupils' fault and mistakes, if necessary. 3. Teachers are to give their full time to the school, except for the summer holidays' period allowed them by the contract. Other permanent duties and occupations outside the school are not admissible. 4. A teacher shall report punctually at school before the beginning of lessons every morning, sign the attendance register, and not leave the school without the Warden's permission, till lessons are over. 5. At the beginning of every year, he will divide his year's work into as many parts as there are reports issued to boys, and submit his draft to his Warden, before it is finally worked out. 6. It is a principal part of a teacher's work to prepare lessons very conscientiously, in good time, jotting down the main points of his lessons in his book for preparation of lessons. 7. A plan must
be worked out for each lesson, and must be followed in
giving it. It will generally include the following
points: 8. In his
lessons he must be orderly, clear, and make himself
intelligible to all the pupils in his class. 9. Written or mental homework, and written or oral tests are to be given regularly according to the special calendar laid down at the beginning of the year. No change should be made in it without the Warden's approval, normally. 10. Written
homework is to be assigned in such a way that it does not
consist merely of a copying exercise. 11. When tests
are set, a strict supervision is to be kept, so that no
copying is possible. 12. If great care is to be taken in the preparation and giving of homeworks, even greater care is to be taken in preparing tests, especially final ones. The latter are not to be finally set for the students before first being seen by the Warden who may have them revised. He may do the same occasionally for ordinary tests. 13. Tests set at
the end of each term, before the issuing of each report,
must be more comprehensive, and shall be assigned a
higher percentage of marks than the others set during
term. 14. All tests
should be marked at home and corrected in class, for the
boy's reports. 16. If a teacher notices that any of his pupils is weak in some subject (s) and believes that such weakness may be remedied by special lessons, he shall contact his Warden, but not the boy's parents, without the Warden's permission, and advise that the boy take special lessons. The Warden will decide what is to be done. But private lessons must not be given, except by permission of, and within the limits fixed by the same authorities. 17. If so requested by his Warden, a teacher must be ready to replace a colleague who happens to be absent, at least to invigilate, if not to teach. 18. The teacher
has the right not to be unnecessarily disturbed during
his lessons, and the Warden and other Schoool [sic]
Officials shall refrain from doing so. 19. The teachers' authority shall be upheld by the school authorities in every possible way, chiefly by showing them all respect and honour before boys and parents, and by not encouraging easy and unfounded criticism from boys and parents. Should any such criticism be offered to the school authorities, they should not speak of the teacher adversely in public, especially not in the presence of boys and parents, but give the teacher every opportunity of clearing himself in private and removing the grounds for criticism, should any exist. 20. On the other hand, no teacher should show lack of respect for his school authorities, or criticise [sic] them or accept criticism readily from boys and parents. Should any boy, or boy's parent, offer criticism of this kind, he should be referred to the competent school authorities, who shall do their best to remove the grounds for complaint, should any exist. 21. If a teacher notices anything in any student's conduct, or in any class, or group of boys, or text-book, or method of teaching which he believes to be wrong or detrimental to the good of the school or of the boy (s) in question, he has the right and duty to report it to the Warden or the Headmaster, either privately, or at the teachers' periodical meetings, according to the nature of what he has to report. 22. Only when a
student resists all the attempts at correcting his faults
shall punishment be resorted to, but correction must be
tried before punishment. 23. If the student who misbehaves is to be punished, the one who behaves and does his work diligently must be rewarded by marks in Conduct, Order, Application, public praise and other suitable ways. 24. A teacher who believes that any change of methods or of text-books would make for better and more successful work, should submit his suggestions to the Headmaster or Warden either privately or at Staff meetings. His suggestions shall be given all consideration. 25. Periodical meetings of teachers shall be held at least once every time a report is isued [sic] to boys. Such meetings shall be called either by the Headmaster or the Warden, and at them teachers shall have every opportunity of expressing their views and offering their suggestions on all points touching school-life such as methods, textbooks, work, discipline, etc. 26. At the end
of every year, before the final results are issued, all
teachers shall be summoned to a meeting at which every
student's report (conduct, work, ect.) shall be discussed
and a final decision be reached as to whether he should
be passed, or failed, or referred, or dismissed. Chapter XII
1. The are appointed by the Headmaster directly, or through the Warden. 2. They shall plan and execute diligently and conscientiously the special work entrusted to them. 3. They shall be
given plenty of initiative in their field, but must
consult the Headmaster or Warden before finally shaping
their programmes of work, and have his approval for all
its details. 4. They must be convinced that the activities they direct have a very important role in the student's development, and must foster the student's interested in them. At the same time, they must not overemphasize their importance to the detriment of the main business of a student, or his intellectual development. 1. Where appointed, their main task is to follow each of the student in the class over which they are placed, and see to it that they apply themselves seriously to acquiring good habits and solid learning. 2. For this
purpose, they keep in continuous touch with their
students, examine with them their problems, and help end
encourage them in their solution. 3. Other tasks may be: arranging a class library, if there is to be one, encouraging the class to keep their class room clean, in good order, and to decorate it, etc., examining the students' exercise books, etc. 4. In their work, they must not usurp the role of the higher school authorities. 5. Where no class officials are appointed, some of their tasks may be discharged by the House Masters. Chapter XIV
1. Prefects are appointed by Wardens and removed from office by them. 2. Their task it
to communicate to other students such orders or
instructions as the Warden might think it fit to
communicate through them. 3. A prefect's powers are limited. He may not punish any school-mate, for example. If a member of the Staff is present, the prefect's powers cease to be. 4. The Warden will from time to time convene the prefects to listen to their reports and issue them his instructions. In this capacity they may be formed by the Warden into an S.G.B. 5. The spirit in which prefects are to discharge their duties is one of genuine interest in their fellow-students, of self sacrifice, and loyal cooperation with the school authorities. 6. The other students owe the prefects respect and obedience within the limits of their autrhority. Chapter XV
1. Level of Education. In Comboni Schools education is imparted at three levels: Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary. Each level comprises four grades. 2. Subject Taught. At the elementary and intermediate levels in some Comboni Schools two kinds of streams are to be found, namely English streams for those pupils who do not speak Arabic and for whom English is used as a means of instruction; and Arabic streams for those pupils whose language is Arabic. (a) At the
elementary Level: (b) At the Intermediate level: in both the Arabic and the English streams the same subjects are taught as at the elementary level, but the standard is higher. The media of teaching are the same as at the elementary level, i.e. Arabic in the Arabic streams, and English in the English streams. (c) At the
Secondary Level: the subjects taught are: English
language and Literature, Arabic language and Literature
for those whose language is Arabic, French for the
others, Geography, History, Mathematics, Biology,
Chemistry and Physics for the Science streams, and
Commercial Subjects for the Commerce streams. 3. Syllabuses. The syllabuses adopted for all subjects at all levels are, roughly speaking, those of the Sudan Ministry of Education, but certain adaptations are required and made owing to the special characteristics of Comboni Schools, in which there is a large number of students who prepare for an English type of General Certificate of Education. 4. Object. The
successful candidates at the end of their Comboni
curriculum are awarded a COMBONI SCHOOL LEAVING
CERTIFICATE. 5. How to join
the Comboni Schools. 6. Fees. 7. School
Calendar 8. Non-Strictly
Academic Activities. In addition to sports and games of
various kinds, the following activities are encouraged
among the students: cultural societies (e.g. literary,
music, theatre, etc.), social parties, outings, etc.
9. Rewards and
punishment. Thought students are to be trained to do
their duty neither for the sake of reward not for the
fear of punishment yet reward and punishment shall be
employed as auxiliary means in their education. 10. Passes and
failures 1. Although a student must aim above all at acquiring good habits yet school-work in its academic significance must also claim his uninterrupted interest. 2. School-work here means giving one's attention to lessons, and doing all the prescribed written, oral, or mental work. 3. All students
are bound to take all the subjects taught in their class,
since they are all greatly conducive to attaining the
school aims. 4. Regular
attendance at lessons is required, if the student it to
make good progress. Hence absence from class, if
frequent, and even if justified by illness or other
reasonable motive, may disqualify a student from sitting
for the end of the year examination. The final decision
in such cases rests with the School Council. 5. Doing all the prescribed mental and written work is also indispensable to make sure that good progress is achieved. 6. Most of the prescribed mental and written work is done through preparaion [sic] either at home or at school. During preparation, students shall study all their subjects, bearing in mind that they are all essential for an all-round education. Hence, though not the same time should be devoted to the study of all subject, but to each a time in keeping with its importance and difficulty, none should be neglected, as unimportant of useless. 7. The student must bear in mind that sufficient time is to be allowed by him for preparation in his daily timetable, for this shall enable him to achieve one of the main objects of school-life, to gain durable and useful knowledge for the rest of his life. 8. In addition
to getting regular homework assignements [sic], the
students shall be tested regularly in class, orally and
in writing, to make sure that they are doing their work
diligently and efficiently. 1. The student must go through his daily round with unflagging spirit and ever renewed eagerness and interest. It is only thus that he can secure for himself those habits that are the best part of education. 2. At every moment of the daily round a student is to be wher the time-table requires him to be, and busy himself with the particular business of the moment. 3. Every student shall wear his school uniform on all schooldays and school occasions, unless excused by the school authorities. 4. He shall report punctually at the school every morning at the appointed time, wearing the school uniform. 5. Once one has entered the school on school days, he is not allowed to leave it without the Warden's permission from whom he must obtain a pass. 6. When the signal for it is given, the students shall line up for assembly, stand quietly and respectfully for prayers and listen to any instruction the Warden or Headmaster may have to issue. After this, they shall proceed immediately to class. 7. When going to their classes after assembly, or transferring from a part of the school to another during school hours, boys shall neither linger here or there, nor dash along at excessive speed, but walk quietly and in good order. 8. Late comers, whatever their reason for being late, shall report to be Warden before entering class and obtain from him a pass to be shown to the prefect or Master. 9. On entering class after assembly the students shall sit quietly at their desks, and answer the roll-call. 10. Every morning, before the beginning of the first period, the students shall prepare what they need for it, and place everything else in their desks. 12. On the
Master entering class to start his lesson, the students
shall stand and answer his greetings, nor shall they sit
down until told to do so by him. 13. While the
lesson is on, students shall give their undivided
attention to what they are taught. A Master is neither to
be interrupted nor questioned without his permission to
be sought by raising quietly a hand. 14. No one is
allowed to enter his or another class while a lesson is
on without obtaining the teacher's permission. 15. Towards the end of the period, or at a more convenient moment during it, the students shall enter in their diaries, under the proper date, the work to be done according to the Master's instructions. 16. When the signal is given for the end of the period, and the Master is about to leave, the boys shall stand up, nor shall they sit until he has left the class, or until another Master has entered and given them permission to sit. 17. If there occurs a brief interval between two consecutive periods, the prefect shall take charge of the class. He shall open the door to the Master who is going out and to the one who is coming in. In the meantime everybody must get ready for the next period. The prefect shall see to it that order is kept by the students in the interval. He shall also clean the blackboard. 18. At the end
of the last period, everybody shall stand quietly for
prayers, collect what he needs for preparation, leaving
all things in his desk in good order, and then quit the
class quietly. 19. At no other time than during lessons is anybody allowed to enter a classroom without the Warden's permission. 20. When the
bell rings to mark the end of a part of the schoolday and
the beginning of a break, the students shall make quietly
for the courtyard, where they shall sit, or stand, or
play games. 21. During the breakfast break every student shall give himself ample time for his breakfast 22. The courtyard is a part of the school and schould be treated by the students as such. Hence, even during breaks, it should be kept clean and not littered with paper or rubbish. 23. At the first
signal of the end of a break, students shall stop playing
or doing anyhing else and start for their classes.
24. After the student's leaving the school at the end of the daily lessons, the daily round of duties does not come to an end. It continues in the afternoon in the form of preparation either at home or at school. This is an essential part of school work. 1. That a student and his parents or guardians may have an idea of what sort of progress he is making, reports on his work shall be issued three times a year, i.e. once at the end of each term, and one at the end of the year. 2. In such
reports 50 per cent of the maximum of marks allotted to a
subject indicates a pass in it; 70 per cent credit; 80
per cent distinction. 3. The marks that appear in the reports are based on the perfomance of the student in such homework as can be marked, and in his class-tests during term and at the end of it. 4. For the purpose of assessing a student's FINAL RESULT in each subject, the average of the three term reports is added ot the mark of the final examination, and this total is divided by two. 5. At the head
of the school report marks appear for conduct, order and
application. 6. At the foot
of the school report the student's average and his
position in his class are indicated. 7. Other reports on the conduct, order application and work of students are issued at the request of parents or school, or firms, etc. In such reports the remark of the school authorities on the student's conduct etc., are entered, with every master's opinion of the student's performance in the subject (s) taught by him. 8. School reports should be carefully studied by parents and guardians, and signed the them before being returned to the school. If they note anything in the report that requires comment or explanation for the school authorities, they should contact them without delay. 1. At the end of
their intermediate course all students shall sit for an Intermediate
School Leaving Examination which shall also serve as
an entrance examination to the secondary school. 2. At the end of
the secondary course, all students shall sit for a Secondary
School Leaving Examination. 3. Student who fails to pass either school leaving examination will receive a document or declaration that they have completed the prescribed course of studies in the subjects mentioned in the certificate and at the level mentioned in it. Of course, no mention of their having passed the examination will be made. 4. After sitting for the Secondary School Leaving Certificate, successful students will be allowed to sit for a School Certificate issued by a public and recognized examining body such as the Sudan School Certificate or the Oxford General Certificate of Education. 5. It should be stressed that although a student may fail to get a certificate, his education is not necessarily a failure, but, on the contrary, it will be a success if it has prepared him for life. Chapter XX
1. In addition to strictly academic activities, the school shall encourage sport, social, and cultural activities within the limits permitted by the main school duties. 2. For such purposes students are grouped into houses, societies or clubs. 3. Houses cater mainly for sports and social activities such as parties. Societies and clubs are meant mainly for cultural activities such as literary, or musical, or theatrical, etc. Such societies and clubs give every student the opportunity to express his natural talents and inclinations by hobbies of different kinds. 4. All sport
activities are supervised by a sport Master appointed by
the Headmaster. 5. The sports master, house masters and captains, and society officials plan their activities and submit their plans to the Warden or Headmaster for their approval. 6. Scouting is also encouraged with the same limits and with the same objects as sports societies. 7. No student is allowed to take part in any sport or other activity outside the school without the consent of his Warden. 1. A
Combonian is expected to distinguish himself by the good
principles which inspire his conduct both in private and
in public; and by the good manners and habits that
characterize his individual and social life.. 2. Every
Combonian shall foster in himself a deep sense of
reverence for God and things divine. 3. The religious instruction provided by the school should be taken by all for its own sake, not for the sake of gaining a few marks. 4. All Christian student shall actively partecipate in the corporate acts of worship arranged for them by the school. 5. In dealing with himself a student shall show the greatest respect for his own dignity by cultivating habits of cleanliness both external and internal, i.e. both in his dress, body, etc., and in his thoughts, words and deeds. 6. A student shall not try to hide his own talents, a gift of God, but should , without being boastful about them, try to develop them and through them his personality. In him modesty about his gifts and serious work to cultivate them must go hand in hand. 7. In particular, he shall develop his own mental powers by earnest efforts to study his subjects and by a healthy curiosity and desire to learn. Such curiosity and desire to learn should never feed on subversive or immoral material, such as literature, films, shows, etc. Hence it is strictly forbidden to introduce such literature into the school, and the school authorities reserve to themselves the right to confiscate and destroy all such literature without any compensation to owner, and to punish very severely all who introduce it into the school. For the same reason, school authorities are entitled to control the students' correspondence, and literature. 8. A student
shall develop his bodily faculties by cultivating healthy
habits and through regular but moderate physical
exercises, such as provided by the school through sports
and physical training. 9. In dealing
with his school-mates, he shall first be inspired by a
genuine respect for them. 10. Respect
must be accompanied by genuine friendship and be
fortified by it. 11. Towards
their superiors at home, at school, and in society the
students shall show reverence, obedience and trust.
12. In society,
the student shall try to cultivate good manners, i.e.
manners that are dictated by a sense of being a living
member of society and bound to promote its welfare and
happiness. Chapter XXII
1. The forms of punishment barely mentioned in a previous chapter are here restated, the commonest causes of their infliction being stated at the same time. 2. A NOTE OF DEMERIT for bad conduct or poor work shall be entered in the student's booklet for any serious breach of school discipline or negligence in work. 3. DETENTION after the end of lessons generally results from lack of punctuality in attending school, or neglecting doing one's own work (which is then done during detention) or some other serious breach of discipline. 4. BEING SENT OUT OF CLASS may be the punishment for those who do not pay attention in class, or show lack of respect to their teachers, or disturb others. Such students may be sent out of class by the master with a "dismissed from class" ticket to be shown to the Warden who will decide whether the student should be readmitted or not. 5. SUSPENSION FROM ATTENDING LESSONS for a certain period. This is inflicted for the same offence as those mentioned under 3 - 4, if they are repeated after several warnings. 6. BEING DEPRIVED OF SOME PRIVILEGE at least for a time. This is inflicted on the student who proves unworthy of enjoying it through reperated misuse of the privilege. 7. DISMISSAL
FROM SCHOOL may result from any of the reasons mentioned
in 2-6, if the fault is serious enough and proves
incorrigible after repeated warning. But it may result
from one single act serious enough to deserve it. Such
would be open incitement to rebellion or strike, grossly
immoral behaviour, keeping or distributing immoral
literature, theft of substantial property committed in a
particularly blameworthy manner, etc. 8. Notes of
demerit and dismissal from class may be awarded by any
master. 9. The different kinds of reward used in Comboni school are also mentioned elsewhere in these rules. A few need a few words of comment. 10. NOTE OF MERIT are awarded for outstanding good conduct or work either on individual occasions or for a certain period of time. They are entered in the student's booklet, and may be awarded by any master who believes they are deserved. 11. MENTION OF A STUDENT'S NAME IN THE SCHOOL ROLL OF HONOUR is the reward of excellence in good conduct or work extending over the whole school-year. 12. For the same reason at the end of every school-year a student may be awarded GOOD CONDUCT CERTIFICATES or SUBJECT PRIZES. 13. The
student's booklet, in which notes of merit or demerit are
entered with the causes for which they are awarded,
should be regularly, even daily, studied by the student's
parents or guardian who really care to know what progress
the student is making and wish to cooperate with the
school authorities to promote his good. ALWAYS MORE ALWAYS BETTER |