EFP Board Meeting – Gottingen, Thursday, August, the 11th (18.00)



The members participating to the Board meeting are: Peter Kappeler (President, Gesellschaft fur Primatologie, GfP); Augusto Vitale (General Secretary, Associazione Primatologica Italiana, API); Claude Pisani (Societè Francophone de Primatologie, SFdP, in substitution of Betrand Deputte, Treasurer); Robert Barton (Primate Society of Great Britain, PSGB); Marina Butovskaya (Russian Group of Primatologists, RGP); Peter Heidt (The Netherlands Contact Group, NCG, in substitution of Liz Sterck); Maria Victoria Hernandez-Lloreda (Asociacion Primatologica Espanola, APE, in substitution of Fernando Colmenares); Natasha Mendes (Portuguese Association of Primatology, PAP, in substitution of Catarina Casanova); Carel Van Schaik (Swiss Group of Primatologists, SGP), Regine Vercateuren (Groupe Belge de Primatologie, GBP). Marina Vancatova (Primatological Group of Czech Republic, PGCR) is absent.



1) President's Report

The President (Peter Kappeler) introduces the meeting pointing out that the two most important issues to be discussed are the election of  new positions within the Board, and the choice for the location of the second EFP congress. He reminds the Board that at the last Board meeting in Turin (August 2004) it was decided to alternate International Primatological Society/EFP congress during the next years. Peter Kappeler acknowledges the new presence of Portugal within the Board. Furthermore, he thanks Karger Publishing that has donated a total of  1000Euros  prizes for the best student and poster presentations at the present congress.



2) Secretary’s Report

The General Secretary (Augusto Vitale) salutes the presence of Portugal within the Board, and saves his contributions for the following points in the agenda.



3) Treasurer’s Report

Due to the absence of Bertrand Deputte, the official Treasurer of EFP, the discussion on the EFP finances is limited. However, the Board arises some questions regarding the  financial reports for 2004 and 2005 (see Appendix I and II) provided by Bertrand Deputte just before the congress. […]

Robert Barton asks what could be done with the active balance of 3000Euros. Peter Kappeler explains that in the past such money was utilised to contribute to travel expenses of some members of the Board. Now this is not anymore. So, it is up to the new Board to decide the best way to spend such amount of money. Carel Van Schaik suggests to spend the money in a way that should be both stimulating and representative, for example, by inviting an important speaker from abroad (USA, Japan…) to the forthcoming EFP congress. Robert Barton then argues in favour of an initiative more orientated towards the young like, for example, financing a students’ workshop within the worjs of the congress.



4) Election of new positions within the Board

New positions within the Board have to be elected: The President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer. Peter Kappeler suggests Carel Van Schaik as the new President of EFP. Robert Burton supports the suggestion, adding the advantage of having a President from a small national group, in order to avoid conflict of interests. Carel Van Schaik, as a relatively newcomer, asks about the function and aims of the federation. Different Board members replies underlining the function of EFP in trying to bring together European primatologists, improve the communication within and between different national groups and societies, to be actively involved in the up-dating of the European law on animal experimentation, with special reference to the use of non-human primates. Furthermore, from so on the Federation will now be organising the biennial EFP congress, as a way to bring together European primatologists, especially the younger generations.

Peter Kappeler proposes the idea, already put forward in Turin that, in general, the new president of EFP should be the organiser of the next EFP congress. Robert Burton disagrees, arguing that two years is just too much of a short time to be in office as President of the EFP and, furthermore, that the new President of the EFP should be elected by the Board. Claude Pisani suggests a period of four-years rotation. Regine Vercauteren points out to the Board that the Constitution of the Federation states that the President is in office for two years, to be re-elected, whereas the General Secretary is in office for four years. Everybody agree on the fact that whoever is elected as President should be willing to be re-elected for other two years.

Carel Van Schaik is unanimously elected as the new President of the EFP. He accepts the decision of the Board.

Augusto Vitale is re-elected as General Secretary. He accepts the decision of the Board. It is agreed that the General Secretary of EFP sits in the International Primatological Society Board.

For what concerns the election of the new Treasurer of EFP, Robert Barton suggests to ask Russell Hill, already Treasurer of the Primatological Society of Great Britain. The Board unanimously agrees (Russell Hill will later accept the invitation from the Board).



5) Time and place of the second EFP congress

Two are the proposals to host the 2nd EFP congress. The first one was already announced, and comes from Marina Vancatova (PGCR) who has offered Prague as location for the congress. The second one is from Catarina Casanova (PAP), to host the congress in Lisbon. However, Natasha Mendes notices that the PAP is having great financial difficulties in organising congresses. Marina Butovskaya informs the Board that Marina Vancatova has already contacted the Winner-Gray Foundation for possible financial support for the congress, with good perspectives. Furthermore she adds, on behalf of Marina Vancatova, that Prague University facilities can logistically sponsor the event, and there are enthusiastic students who can help to organise the congress. The town offers cheap hotels. Carl Van Schaik supports the idea of having amateurs to run a congress, rather than professionals, in order to keep the fees down and attract students.

Peter Kappeler acknowledges the offer from Lisbon, and thanks the member from PAP. However, considered the previous offer from PGCR, and the difficulties encountered by PAP, it is unanimously decided to accept the offer from the Czech primatologists. This decision will be officially announced before the ending of the present congress. Robert Barton proposes to ask Marina Vancatova if she would like, within the congress, to organise something related to the field of physical anthropology: this would also attract more people to the congress.

For what concerns the dates it is suggested that Summer could be the best moment, because university facilities are empty and not in use. However, it is also the time of fieldwork for many researchers. Marina Butovskaya suggests to ask Marina what could be the best timing for the Prague congress. The Board decides on a window of dates, and the then let decide Marina Vancatova: the time window decided is July-August.

It is then proposed Zurich as the possible location for the 3rd EFP congress in 2009. Peter Kappeler underlines the necessity to give a signal of continuity: whatever will be the response for the 2nd congress, we are ready to organise the 3rd one. The Board vote unanimously in favour of Zurich as location for the 3rd congress in 2009.

Finally, Peter Kappeler suggests for the next time a formal presentation, with estimated costs and date options, for the proposed location of the EFP congress.



6) Relationships with Folia primatologica

Augusto Vitale raises the question about the willingness of Folia primatologica to publish the abstracts from the national congresses. He reports that the organiser of the lat API congress has received news from Folia that this opportunity might not longer be possible in the future. Peter Kappeler responds that nothing has changed, and Folia has to publish the abstracts from national congresses of associations or groups affiliated with EFP.



7) The state of the art of the European legislation/national on the use of primates in biomedical experimentation

Augusto Vitale reports that the EFP has been present since the earliest stages of  the revision of both the Directive 86/609/EEC on the protection of laboratory animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes, and the Appendix A of the ETS123 Convention of the Council of Europe. Bertrand Deputte was involved for years in such process. Recently, concerning the revision of the Directive 86/609/EEC, a representative from EFP participated to the works of the Technical Expert Working Groups (TEWG), devoted on the revision of particular sections of the Directive. The representative for the EFP was Dr. Mark Prescott.



8) EFP Web page

The EFP web page is cared for by Dr. Daniele Formenti, from the API. It will be asked to organise a link from the EFP web page to the local page for the coming EFP congress in Prague. Furthermore, the possibility to have a link from the EFP page to information on courses in primatology in European universities will be investigated.



9) Possible initiatives for EU funding

Regarding the 7th Framework for European funding, Peter Kappeler proposes that EFP can have the function of alerting people about opportunities, and just left the space open for individual initiatives. The Board agrees.


The Board thanks Peter Kappeler for the work carried out as President of the European Federation of Primatology.


The meeting ends at 21.15.