Complete list of LBS scientific publications
156. Sebastiano V., Gentile L., Garagna S., Redi C.A., Zuccotti M.: Cloned preimplantation mouse embryos show correct timing but altered levels of gene expression. Molec Reprod Dev 70: 146-154, 2005.

155. Zuccotti M., Sebastiano V., Garagna S., Redi CA. Experimental demonstration that Mammalian oocytes are not selective towards X- or Y-bearing sperm. Molec Reprod Dev. 71, 245-246, 2005.

154. Gentile L., Monti M., Sebastiano V., Merico V., Garagna S., Redi C.A., Zuccotti M.: Single-cell quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Cpt-1b and Cpt-2 gene expression in mouse antral oocytes and in preimplantation embryos. Cytogenet Genome Res 105: 215-221, 2004

153. Garagna S., Capanna E., Zuccotti M., Redi C.A: The EVO-DEVO of pericentromeric DNA in the mouse. In: Chromosomes Today 14. Schmid M. and Nanda I. Eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp 171-185. 2004.

152. Sebastiano V., Gentile L., Monti M., Merico V., Zanoni M., Garagna S., Redi C.A., Zuccotti M.: Zigoti di topo ottenuti per trasferimento nucleare completano lo svilupo preimpianto nonostante gli alterati livelli quantitative di espressione genica. In: Andrologia e Riproduzione. C. Foresta e A. Ferlini Eds. Cleup Editrice, pp. 137-150, 2004.

151. Garagna S., Merico V., Sebastiano V., Monti M., Orlandini G., Gatti R., Scandroglio R., Redi C.A., Zuccotti M.: Three-dimensional localisation of centromeres in mouse oocytes during folliculogenesis. J Molec Histol 35,631-638, 2004.

150. Traut V. , Endl E., Garagna S., Scholzen T., Schwinger E., Gerdes J.,Winking H. Chromatin preferences of the perichromosomal layer constituent pKi-67. Chromosome Research 10: 685-694, 2003.

149. Sebastiano V. Gentile L., Merico V., Monti M., Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi CA. A single cell sensitive RT-PCR for the study of gene expression in mouse preimplantation development. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 14: 117-126,2003.

148. Merico V., Monti M., Sebastiano V., Gentile L., Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi CA. Centromere localization changes in oocytes nuclei during folliculogenesis. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 14: 109-115, 2003.

147. Longo F., Garagna S., Merico V., Orlandini G., Gatti R., Scandroglio R., Redi CA., Zuccotti M. Nuclear localization of NORs and centromeres in mouse oocytes during folliculogenesis. Molecular Reproduction and Development 66: 279-290, 2003.

146. Garagna S., Capanna E., Zuccotti M., Redi C.A: The EVO-DEVO of pericentromeric DNA in the mouse. Chromosomes Today. 2003.

145. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Capanna E., Redi C.A.: High-resolution organisation of mouse telomeric and pericentromeric DNA. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 96: 125-129, 2002.

144. Zuccotti M., Gentile L., Sebastiano V., Merico V., Forabosco A., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Analisi dell’espressione genica in oociti ed embrioni preimpianto di topo. In: La Medicina della Riproduzione: Aspetti Clinici e Terapeutici. Foresta C., Scandellari C. (eds), Cleup Editrice, Padova, 2002.

143. Zuccotti M., Ponce R.H., Boiani M., Guizzardi S., Govoni P., Scandroglio R, Garagna S., Redi C.A.. The analysis of chromatin organisation allows selection of mouse antral oocytes competent for development to blastocyst. Zygote 10: 73-78, 2002.

142. Zuccotti M., Boiani M., Ponce R.H., Guizzardi S., Scandroglio R., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Mouse Xist expression begins at zygotic genome activation and is timed by a zygotic clock. Molecular Reproduction and Development 61: 14-20, 2002.

141. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Thornhill A., Fernandez-Donoso R., Berrios S., Capanna E,, Redi C.A.. Alteration of nuclear architecture in male germ cells of chromosomally derived subfertile mice. Journal of Cell Science 114, 4429, 2001.

140. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Zacharias H., Zuccotti M., Capanna E. The other chromatin. Chromosoma 110: 136-147, 2001.

139. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Vecchi M.L., Rubini P.G., Capanna E., Redi C.A. Human-dominated ecosystems and restoration ecology: Seveso today. Chemosphere 43: 577-585, 2001.

138. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Redi C.A. Aspetti sperimentali ed etici della biologia delle cellule staminlai. In: Fisiopatologia delle funzioni gonadiche. Foresta C., Scandellari C. (eds), Cleup Editrice, Padova, pp. 33-38, 2001.

137. Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Evidenze sperimentali per la presenza di due classi di oociti antrali con diversa competenza allo sviluppo. In: Fisiopatologia delle funzioni gonadiche. Foresta C., Scandellari C. (eds), Cleup Editrice, Padova, pp. 33-38, 2001.

136. Garagna S, Marziliano N, Zuccotti M, Searle JB, Capanna E, Redi CA. Pericentromeric organization at the fusion point of mouse Robertsonian translocation chromosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U S A. 98:171-175, 2001.

135. Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Manipolazione del genoma e sviluppo embrionale. In: Analisi e modifica di biomolecole e di cellule. Biondi E., Grattarola M., Magenes G., Stefanelli M., Tagliasco V. (eds.), Patron Editore, Bologna, 91-104, 2000.

134. Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Nuclear transfer, genome reprogramming and novel opportunities in cell therapy. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 23: 623-629, 2000

133. Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Storia e prospettive del trasferimento di nuclei somatici in oociti: la clonazione. In: La Medicina della Riproduzione, Foresta C., Isidori A., Scandellari C. (eds), Cleup Editrice, Padova, pp. 19-30, 2000.

132. Olmo E., Redi C.A. (eds) Chromosome Today, Vol. 13 Birkhauser Verlag (Basel, Boston, Berlin), 2000.

131. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Baratti G., Lodigiani G. Rodents as bioindicators of genetic risk near hazardous-waste landfill sites. In: Leachate, gas, operation and health effects in landfills. Christensen T.H., Cossu R. Stegmann R. (eds.), Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Environmental Sanitary Engineering Centre, Cagliari, Volume II, pp 679-684, 1999.

130. Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi C.A., Forabosco A. Folliculogenesis: effects of aging on the meiotic and developmental competence of oocytes. In: Gonadotrophins and fertility in the woman. Adashi E.Y., Baird D. T. and Crossignani P.G. (eds.). Serono Fertility Series, Volume 3, Rome, pp 21-33,1999.

129. Garagna S., Pompilio L., Zuccotti M., Meriggi A., Rubini P.G., Redi C.A.: The "Bosco delle Querce" park ecosystem: mutagenicity tests in wild animals. In: Chemistry, Man and Environment. A. Ballarin-Denti, P.A. Bertazzi, S. Facchetti, R. Fanelli, P. Mocarelli (eds.), Karger, Basilea, pp 139-154, 1999.

128. Sitar G., Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Falcinelli C., Montanari L., Alfei A., Ippoliti G., Redi C.A., Moratti R., Ascari E., Forabosco A.: Fetal erythroblast isolation up to purity from cord blood and their culture in vitro. Cytometry, 35: 337-345, 1999.

127. Garagna S., Civitelli M.V., Marziliano N., Castiglia R., Zuccotti M., Redi C.A., Capanna E.: Genome size variations are related to X-chromosome heterochromatin polymorphism in Arvicanthis sp. from Benin (West Africa). Italian Journal of Zoology 66 (2), 1999.

126. Cerda M.C., Berrios S., Fernandez-Donoso R., Garagna S., Redi C.A.: Organisation of complex nuclear domains in somatic mouse cells. Biology of the Cell. 91: 55-65, 1999.

125. Kunze B., Traut W., Garagna S. Weichenhan D., Redi C.A., Winking H.: Pericentric satellite DNA and molecular phylogeny in Acomys (Rodentia). Chromosome Res.(London) 6: 1-11, 1999.

124. Garagna S., Rubini P.G., Redi C.A. Zuccotti M., Meriggi A., Fanelli R., Facchetti S. Recovering Seveso. Science 283: 1268-1269, 1999.

123. Christians E., Boiani M., Garagna S., Dessy C., Redi C.A., Renard J.P., Zuccotti M. Gene expression and chromatin organisation during mouse oocyte growth. Developmental Biology, 207: 76-85, 1999.

122. Zuccotti M., Boiani M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Chromatin organization and meiotic non-disjunction in mouse oocytes. Rendiconti Fisica Accademia dei Lincei 9: 227-240, 1998.

121. Zuccotti M., Boiani M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Timing of mouse Xist expression during preimplantation development. Rendiconti Fisica Accademia dei Lincei 9: 145-153, 1998.

120. Marziliano N., Crovella S., Zuccotti M., Garagna S. Six-year-old archival chromosome preparations are still good biological reagents for repeated primed in situ labelling (rPRINS). European Journal of Histochemistry 42: 151-155, 1998.

119. Zuccotti M., Giorgi Rossi P., Fiorillo E., Forabosco A., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Timing of gene expression and oolemma localization of mouse a6 and b1 integrin subunits during oogenesis. Developmental Biology, 200: 27-34, 1998.

118. Wakayama T., Perry A.C.F., Zuccotti M., Johnson K.R., Yanagimachi R. Full-term development of mice from enucleated oocytes injected with cumulus cell nuclei. Nature, 394: 369-374, 1998.

117. Bione S., Sala C., Manzini C., Arrigo G., Zuffardi O., Banfi S., Borsani G., Jonveaux P., Philippe C., Zuccotti M., Ballabio A., Toniolo D. A Human homologue of the Drosophila diaphanous gene is disrupted in a patient with premature ovarian failure: evidence for conserved function in oogenesis and implications for human sterility. American Journal of Human Genetics 62: 533-541, 1998.

116. Zuccotti M., Boiani M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Analysis of aneuploidy-rate in antral and ovulated mouse oocytes during aging. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 50: 305-312, 1998.

115. Zuccotti M., Boiani M., Garagna S., Redi C.A. Aneuploidy in mouse oocytes. In: Infertilita’ maschile: nuovi orientamenti diagnostici. Scandellari C., Foresta C. (eds), pp. 187-200, CLEUP, Padova, 1998.

114. Marescalchi O., Scali V., Zuccotti M. Flow-cytometric analyses of intraspecific genome size variations in Bacillus atticus (Insecta, Phasmatodea). Genome 41: 629-635, 1998.

113. Zuccotti M., Giorgi Rossi P., Martinez A., Garagna S., Forabosco A., Redi C.A.: Meiotic and developmental competence of mouse antral oocytes. Biology of Reproduction, 58, 700-704, 1998.

112. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Redi C.A., Capanna E.: Trapping speciation. Nature 390: 241-242, 1997.

111. Marziliano N., Zuccotti M., Redi C.A., Garagna S. PEPSIs-97: a nested device for high recovery of DNA from agarose gels. Technical Tips on Line ( T01248, 1997.

110. Garagna S., Perez-Zapata A., Zuccotti M., Mascheretti S., Marziliano N., Redi C.A., Aguilera M., Capanna E.: Genome composition in Venezuelan spiny-rats of the genus Proechimys (Rodentia, Echimyidae). I. Genome size, C-heterochromatin and repetitive DNAs in situ hybridisation pattern. Cytogenetics Cell Genetics (Basilea) 78:36-43, 1997.

109. Daniels R., Zuccotti M., Kinis T., Serhal P., Monk M. XIST expression in human oocytes and preimplantation embryos. The American Journal of Human Genetics (Chicago) 61:33-39, 1997.

108. Miranda M.O., Garagna S., Perez-Zapata A., Aguilera M., Redi C.A., Capanna E.: Genome size of Neotropical Chiroptera: a preliminary report. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (Roma) s.9, v.8: 265-272, 1997.

107. Garagna S., Perez-Zapata A., Mascheretti S., Marziliano N., Redi C.A., Aguilera M. Capanna E.: Repetitive DNAs and genome composition in Venezuelan spiny-rats of the genus Proechimys (Rodentia, Echimyidae). Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 78:36-43, 1997.

106. Monk M., Zuccotti M., Thornhill A., Holding C., Kontogiani E., Daniels R.: Single cell analysis of chromosomes and genes in development. Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association. Edition Foundation Marcel Meriux, Publishers. 1996.

105. Pasini M.E., Redi C.A., Caviglia O., Perotti M.E.: Ultrastructural and cytochemical analysis of sperm dimorphism in Drosophila subobscura. Tissue and Cell 28, 165-175, 1996.

104. Zuccotti M., Monk M.: The mouse Xist gene: a model for studying the gametic imprinting phenomenon. Acta Genetica Med Gemellol (Roma) 45: 199-204,1996.

103. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Giorgi Rossi P., Piccinelli A., Redi C.A. Organizzazione della cromatina dell'oocita di topo durante la follicologenesi. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere (Rend. Sc.) (Milano) B 129: 93-107, 1995.

102. Zuccotti M., Piccinelli A., Giorgi Rossi P., Garagna S., Redi C.A.: Chromatin organisation during mouse oocyte growth. Molecular Reproduction and Development (New York) 41: 479-485, 1995.

101. Garagna S., Broccoli D., Redi C.A., Searle J.B., Cooke H.J., Capanna E.: Robertsonian metacentrics of the house mouse loss telomeric sequences but retain some minor satellite DNA in the pericentromeric area. Chromosoma 103: 685-692, 1995.

100. Sanchez A., Stamatopoulos K., Redi C.A.: Descriptive kinetics of the seminipherous epithelium cycle and genome size in the mole Talpa occidentalis (Insectivora). J. Exp. Zoology 273: 51-58, 1995.

99. Rossi M.S., Redi C.A., Viale G., Massarini A.I., Capanna E.: Chromosomal distribution of the major satellite DNA of South American rodents of the genus Ctenomys. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 69: 179-184, 1995.

98. Nevo E., Filippucci Mg., Redi C.A., Simson S., Heth G., Beiles A.: karyotype and genetic evolution in speciation of subterrean mole rats of Spalax in Turkey. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 54: 203-229, 1995.

97. Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi C.A., Simson S., Nevo E., Capanna E.: Spermatogenesis of Spalax ehrenbergi natural hybrids (Rodentia, Spalacidae). Mammalia (Parigi) 59, 119-125, 1995.

96. Zuccotti M., Monk M.: Methylation of the mouse Xist gene in sperm and eggs correlates with imprinted Xist expression and paternal X-inactivation. Nature Genetics (Washington D.C.) 9, 316-320, 1995.

95. Capanna E., Redi C.A.: Whole-arm reciprocal translocation (WART) between Robertsonian chromosomes: finding of a Robertsonian heterozygous mouse with karyotype derived through WARTs. Chromosome Research 3, 59-65, 1995.

94. Bertolani R., Garagna S., Manicardi G.C., Rebecchi L., Redi C.A.: New data on the nuclear DNA content in some species of tardigrades. Anim. Biol. 103-109, 1994.

93. Zuccotti M., Piccinelli A., Marzigliano N., Mascheretti S., Redi C.A.: Development And Loss Of The Ability Of Mouse Oolemma To Fuse With Sperm. Zygote (Cambridge) 2, 333-339, 1994.

92. Redi C.A., Zuccotti M., Croce A.C., Ramponi R., Bottiroli G.: Vari Trattamenti Chimici E Fisici Inducono Decondensazione Della Cromatina Dello Spermatozoo Umano. In: La Medicina Della Riproduzione. C. Foresta, A. Isidori, C. Scandellari (Eds.). Panda Edizioni, Padova, Pp. 203-211, 1994.

91. Capanna E., Redi C.A., Valeri S., Gentili G.: Robertsonian chromosomes with New Arm Combination In A Natural Hybrid Zone Between Two Chromosomal Races. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Fis. Serie IX Vol 5, 269-276, 1994.

90. Capanna E., Redi C.A.: Chromosomes and microevolutionary processes. Boll. Zool. 61, 285-294, 1994.

89. Nevo E., Filippucci M.G., Redi C.A., Korol A., Beilis A.: Chromosomal speciation and adaptive radiation of mole rats in Asia Minor correlated with increased ecological stress. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 8160-8164, 1994.

88. Zuccotti M., Katayose J., Matsuda J., Redi C.A., Bottiroli G., Yanagimachi R.: Fluorescence energy transfer shows that various physical and chemical treatments of human sperm induce unpacking of chromatin. Andrologia (Berlino) 26, 225-230,1994.

87. Grant M., Zuccotti M., Monk M.: Detection par PCR des methylations CpG. In: La PCR un procede de replication in vitro. D. Larzul (ed.). Lavoiser Press (Paris) 1993.

86. Grant M., Zuccotti M., Monk M.: X chromosome activity and imprinting. In: Sex chromosomes and sex-determining genes. Reed K.C. and Graves J.A.M. (eds.), Harwood Academic Publishers, Melbourn, Australia, pp. 243-257, 1993.

85. Zuccotti M., Grant M., Monk M.: Polymerase chain reaction for the detection of methylation of a specific CpG site in the G6pd gene of mouse embryos. In: Methods in Enzymology Vol. 225: "A guide to techniques in mouse development". Wassarman P. and DePamphilis M.L. (eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 557-567, 1993.

84. Garagna S., Redi C.A., Capanna E., Andayani N., Alfano R.M., Doi P., Viale G.: Genome distribution, chromosomal allocation and organisation of the major and minor satellite DNAs in eleven species of the genus Mus. Cytogenetics Cell Genetics 64, 247-255, 1993.

83. Sella G., Redi C.A., Ramella L., Soldi R., Premoli M.C.: Genome size and karyotype length in some interstitial polychaete species of the genus Ophyotroca (Dorvilleidae). Genome 36, 652-657, 1993.

82. Pagani M., Ricci C., Redi C.A.: Oogenesis in Macrotracheta quadricornifera (Rotifera, Bdelloidea) I. Germarium eutely, karyotype and DNA content. Hydrobiologia 255/256, 225-230, 1993.

81. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Winking H.: Further examination of the kinetics of gonadal devolopment in XY female mice. Cellular and Molecular Biology 39, 509-514, 1993.

80. Redi C.A., Garagna S.: Chromosome variability and germ cell development in the house mouse. Andrologia 24, 11-16, 1992.

79. Garagna S., Redi C.A., Veneroni P., Capanna E.: Chromosome banding by restriction enzyme digestion distinguishes between Mus domesticus and Mus musculus karyotypes. Atti Acc. Naz. Lincei Rend. fis. serie IX, Vol. III, 247-255, 1992.

78. Jazdowska-Zagrodzinska B., Dallai R., Redi C.A.: Changes in DNA content and chromosome number during spermatogenesis in the gall midge Monarthropalpus Buxi (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera). Genome 35, 244-250, 1992.

77. Jazdowska-Zagrodzinska B., Dallai R., Redi C.A.: Changes in DNA content and chromosome number during spermatogenesis in the gall midge Monarthropalpus buxi (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera). Genome 35, 244-250, 1992.

76. Grant M., Zuccotti M., Monk M.: Methylation of two X-linked genes coincides with X-inactivation in the female mouse embryo but not in the germ line. Nature Genetics (Washington D.C.) 2, 161-166, 1992.

75. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Zuccotti M.: Cinetica dell’oogenesi in topi eterozigoti per traaslocazioni Robertsoniane: un possibile ruolo per le femmine eterozigoti nella speciazione cromosomica. Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo (Accademia di Scienze e Lettere) (Milano) Vol. 125, 3-15, 1991.

74. Yanagimachi R., Zuccotti M., Weems Y.S.: Fusibilities of plasma membranes of mammalian gametes. In: Comparative Spermatology 20 years after. B. Baccetti (ed.), Raven Press, New York. 75:271-275, 1991.

73. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Zuccotti M.: Chromosomal aspects of spermatogenesis. In: Comparative Spermatology 20 years after. B. Baccetti (ed.), Raven Press, New York. 75: 683-687, 1991.

72. Zuccotti M., Urch U.A. , Yanagimachi R.: Collagenase as a zona pellucida-dissolving agent. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (Cambridge) 93, 515-520, 1991.

71. Zuccotti M., Yanagimachi R., Yanagimachi H.: The ability of hamster oolemma to fuse with spermatozoa: Its acquisition during oogenesis and loss after fertilization. Development, (Cambridge) 112, 143-152, 1991.

70. Garagna S., Searle J.B., Redi C.A.: Whole-arm rearrangements in the common shrew in a wider context. Memoires de la Societe' Vaudoise des Sciences Naturales 19, 45-49, 1991.

69. Cardona A., Capriglione T., Odierna G., Redi C.A., Garagna S.: Genomic intraspecific variation in some populations of Podarcis s. sicula Raf. In: Cytogenetics of Amphibians and Reptiles. E. Olmo ed. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel-Boston-Berlin pp. 247-254, 1990.

68. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Della Valle G., Bottiroli G., Dell'orto P., Viale G., Peverali F., Raimondi E., Forejt J.: Differences in the organization and chromosomal allocation of satellite DNA between the european long tailed house mice of the domesticus and musculus groups. Chromosoma (Berlin) 99, 11-17, 1990.

67. Marescalchi O., Scali V. , Zuccotti M.: Genome size in parental and hybrid species of Bacillus (Insecta, Phasmatodea) from south eastern Sicily: a flow cytometric analysis. Genome (Ottawa) 33, 789-793, 1990.

66. De Boer P., Redi C.A., Garagna S., Winking H.: Protamine amount and cross linking in mouse teratospermatozoa and aneuploid spermatozoa. Molecular Reproduction and Development (New York) 25, 297-301, 1990.

65. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Zuccotti M.: Robertsonian chromosome formation and fixation: the Genomic Scenario. Biological Journal Lin. Soc. (London) 41: 235-255, 1990.

64. Garagna S., Redi C.A., Zuccotti M., Britton-Davidian J., Winking H.: Kinetics of oogenesis in mice heterozygotes for some Robertsonian translocation. Differentiation (Berlino) 42: 167-171, 1990.

63. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Capanna E.: Nature's Experiment With "In Situ" Hybridization? A Hypothesis About The Mechanism Of Rb Fusion. J. Evol. Biol. (Basel) 3: 133-137, 1990.

62. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Capanna E.: Satellite DNA And Chromosome Translocations: A Hypothesis Regarding "Robertsonian" Chromosome Formation. Atti Acc. Lincei Rend. Fis. (8), LXXXIII, 319-326, 1989.

61. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Searle J.B., Redi C.A.: Histological description of the seminiferous epithelium in the common shrew. Bollettino di Zoologia (Padova) 56: 299-303, 1989.

60. Garagna S., Zuccotti M., Searle J.B., Redi C.A., Wilkinson P.J.: Spermatogenesis in heterozygotes for Robertsonian chromosomal rearrangements from natural populations of the common shrew Sorex araneus. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (Cambridge) 2:431-438, 1989.

59. Pellicciari C., Formenti D., Zuccotti M., Stanyon R., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Genome size and constitutive heterochromatin in Hilobates muelleri and Symphalangus syndactylus and in their viable hybrid. Cytogenetics Cell Genetics (Basilea) 47: 1-4, 1988.

58. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Winking H.: Kinetics Of Spermatogenesis Of Some T-Mutant Mice. J. Fetal Medicine, 8, 59-60, 1988.

57. Redi C.A., Capanna E.: Robertsonian Heterozygous In The House Mouse And The Fate Of Their Germ Cells. In: The Cytogenetics Of Mammalian Autosomal Rearrangements. Daniel A. Ed. Alan Liss Inc. New York. Pp. 315-359, 1988.

56. Redi C.A., Hilscher B., Winking H.: Unscheduled Labbeling By 3h-Thymidine In Mouse Pachytene And Round Spermatids Of Robertsonian Translocation Carriers. Cellular And Molecular Biology (Oxford) 34, 149-156, 1988.

55. Garagna S., Redi C.A.: Chromatin Topology During The Transformation Of The Mouse Sperm Nucleus Into Pronucleus "In Vivo". J. Exp. Zool. (New York), 246, 187-193, 1988.

54. Gaspa L., Arena N., Zuccotti M., Garagna S., Redi C.A.: Transitional Cell Tumors In The Human Urinary Bladder: Cytophotometric Analysis Of Nuclear Dna Content. Medecine Biologie Environnement (Pavia). 15, 251-261, 1987.

53. Redi C.A., Garagna S.: After Penetration Into Oocytes, Mouse Sperm Feulgen Values Return To The Expected 1c Content. Acta Embryol. Morphol. Exper. 8, 159-163, 1987.

52. Ferraguti M., Redi C.A., Garagna S.: Dna Amount In The Double Spermatogenic Line Of Tubifex Tubifex (Anellida, Oligochaeta). In: New Horizons In Sper Cell Research). Mohri H. Ed. Japan Sci. Soc. Press, Tokio-Gordon And Breach Sci. Pub., New York Pp. 357-363, 1987.

51. Bertolani R., Garagna S., Manicardi G.C., Redi C.A.: Macrobiotus Pseudohufelandi Iharos As A Model For Cytotaxonomic Study In Populations Of Eutardigrades (Tardigrada). Experientia (Basel) 43, 210-213, 1987.

50. Redi C.A., Garagna S.: Cytochemical Evaluation Of The Nuclear Dna Content As A Tool For Taxonomical Studies In Eutardigrades. Proceedings Of The 4th International Symposium On The Tardigrada Modena September 3-5, 1985 In: Biology Of Tardigrades. R. Bertolani Ed. Mucchi Press - Modena, 73-80, 1987.

49. Redi C.A.: Relative Positions Of The Spermatogenic Stages In The Mouse Testis: Morphological Evidences For Their Non-Randomized Adjacencies. Andrologia (Berlin), 18, 25-32, 1986.

48. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Bottiroli G.: Cytochemical Evaluation Of Sperm And Lymphocyte Dna Content After Treatment With 5n Hcl. Histochemistry (Berlin), 84, 41-44, 1986.

47. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Heth G., Nevo E.: Descriptive Kinetics Of Spermatogenesis In Four Chromosomal Species Of The Spalax Ehrenbergi Superspecies In Israel. J. Exp. Zool. (New York), 238, 81-88, 1986.

46. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Mazzini G., Winking H.: Pericentromeric Heterochromatin And A-T Contents During Robertsonian Fusion In The House Mouse. Chromosoma (Berlin), 94, 31-35, 1986.

45. Manfredi Romanini M.G., Biggiogera M., Formenti D., Fraschini A., Garagna S., Pellicciari C., Redi C.A.: Sperm-Chromatin Maturation In The Mouse. A Cytochemical Approach. Histochemistry (Berlin), 84: 484-491, 1986.

44. Pellicciari C., Garagna S., Formenti D.,Redi C.A., Manfredi Romanini M.G., Benazzi M.: Feulgen-Dna Amounts And Karyotype Lengths Of Three Planarian Species Of The Genus Dugesia. Experientia (Basel), 42: 75-77, 1986.

43. Passia D., Hilscher B., Abel J., Haider S.G., Hilscher W., Redi C.: Metallothioein Synthesis In Liver And Kidney And Enzymohistochemical Changes In The Testis Induced By Cadmium Treatment. Acta Histochemica (Jena), Suppl. Xxxi, 159-165, 1985.

42. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Hilscher B., Winking H.: The Effects Of Some Robertsonian Chromosome Combinations On The Seminiferous Epithelium Of The Mouse. J. Embryol. Experim. Morphol. (Cambridge), 85: 1-19, 1985.

41. Pellicciari C., Redi C.A., Garagna S., Fukuda M., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Cytochemical Patterns Of Mouse Sperm Chromatin During The Passage Along The Female Genital Tract. Acta Histochem. Cytochem. (Kyoto), 17, 47-54, 1984.

40. Garagna S., Redi C.A: Influence Of The C-Banding Procedure On Dna And Proteins Of The Mouse Chromosomes. I: A Microdensitometric Study. Bas. Appl. Histochem., 28, 67-80, 1984.

39. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Pellicciari C., Manfredi Romanini M.G., Capanna E., Winking H., Gropp A.: Spermatozoa Of Chromosomally Heterozygous Mice And Their Fate In Male And Female Genital Tracts. Gamete Research (New York), 9, 273-286, 1984.

38. Porcelli F., Redi C.A., Succi G.: Chromatin Condensation Patterns Of Spermatozoa During Epididymal Passage In A Normal And Chimeric Bull. Bas. Appl. Histochem. (Pavia), 28, 159-168, 1984.

37. Meola G., Scarpini E., Manfredi L., Velicogna M., Pellegrini G., Redi C.A., Scarlato G.: Infantile-Acute Acid Maltase Deficiency (Pompe's Disease): Studies Of Muscle Cultures. Bas. Appl. Histochem. (Pavia) 28, 245-255, 1984.

36. Bianchi N.O., Redi C.A., Garagna S., Capanna E., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Evolution Of The Genome Size In Akodon (Rodentia, Cricetidae). J. Mol. Evol. (Heidelberg), 19, 362-370, 1984.

35. Redi C.A., Hilscher B., Winking H.: Stage-Dependent Enzymatic Activities In Spermatogenesis Of Mice With The Standard Karyotype And Of Chromosomal Variants With Impaired Spermatogenesis. Andrologia (Berlin), 15, 322-330, 1983.

34. Garagna S., Mingioni V., Redi C.A., Gaspa L.: Nuclear Dna Content Distribution In Five Parotid Gland Tumors: A Preliminary Report. Bas. Appl. Histochem. (Milano), 27, 61-65, 1983.

33. Redi C.A.: E'un Italiano Che Fa Da Modello. Scienza Veterinaria E Biologia Animale 7, 39-43, 1983.

32. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Pellicciari C.: Cytochemical Assessment Of Chromatin Characteristics During Sperm Cytodifferentiation In Mouse. Bas. Appl. Histochem. (Milano), 26, 279-288, 1982.

31. Garagna S., Redi C.A.: C-Banding Like Pattern Of Mouse Chromosomes Feulgen And Gallocyanin Chrome Alum Stained. Bas. Appl. Histochem. (Milano), 26, 303-304, 1982.

30. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Merani M.S., Capanna E., Bianchi N.O., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Microdensitometric Evaluation Of The Dna Content, As Ploidy Parameter, Of Spermatozoa In The Polymorphic Chromosomal System Of Akodon Molinae Cabrera (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Gamete Research (New York), 5, 345-354, 1982.

29. Redi C.A., Garagna S., Pellicciari C.: Chromosome Preparation From Planarian Blastemas: A Procedure Suitable For Cytogenetic And Cytochemical Studies. Stain Technol. (Baltimore), 57, 190-192, 1982.

28. Gropp A., Winking H., Redi C.A., Capanna E., Britton-Davidian J., Noack G.: Robertsonian Karyotype Variation In Wild Mice From Rhaeto-Lombardia. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. (Basel), 34, 67-77, 1982.

27. Pellicciari C., Formenti D., Redi C.A., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Dna Content Variability In Primates. J. Hum. Evol. (London), 11, 131-141, 1982.

26. Gropp A., Winking H., Redi C.A.: Consequences Of Robertsonian Heterozigosity: Segregational Impairment Of Fertility Versus Male-Limited Sterility. In: 'Genetic Control Of Gamete Production And Function' (P.G. Crosignani, B.L. Rubin & M. Fraccaro Eds.), 115-134, Academic Press, London/Grune And Stratton, New York, 1982.

25. Fraschini A., Pellicciari C., Redi C.A: Integrated Analysis Of Some Cytotopochemical Parmeters For The Studies Of Cromatin "In Situ". Bas. Appl. Istochem. (Milano), 25, Suppl., 289-295, 1981.

24. Manfredi Romanini M.G., Formenti D., Pellicciari C., Redi C.A., De Stefano G.F.: Analisi Quantitativa E Qualitativa Sul Dna. Antrop. Contemp., 4, 63-64, 1981.

23. Manfredi Romanini M.G., Formenti D., Fraschini A., Pellicciari C., Redi C.A., Scherini E.: Some Parameters For A Cell Cycle Cytotopochemical Study. Gegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch (Leipzig), 127, 581-587, 1981.

22. Manfredi Romanini M.G., Fraschini A., Formenti D., Pellicciari C., Redi C.A.: Analysis Of Some Cytotopochemical Parameters For A Definition Of The Chromatin Status. Acta Histochem. (Jena), Suppl. 24, 189-198, 1981.

21. Benazzi M., Formenti D., Manfredi Romanini M.G., Pellicciari C., Redi C.A.: Feulgen Dna Content And C-Banding Of Robertsonian Transformed Karyotypes In Dugesia Lugubris.- Caryologia, 34, 129-139, 1981.

20. Beltrami M.L., Ferri E., Redi C.A.: Rate Of Meiotic Malsegregation In Hybrid Mice: Evaluation By Microdensitometric Measurement Of Spermatozoal Feulgen-Dna Content. Acc. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Sci., 68, 81-85, 1980.

19. Bernocchi G., Redi C.A., Scherini E., Bottiroli G., Freitas I.: On Chromatin Availability To Hydrolysis Of The Feulgen Reaction In Purkinje Neuron Population: Microdensitometric And Microfluorimetric Data. Bas. Appl. Histochem., 24, 121-134, 1980.

18. Bernocchi G., Redi C.A., Scherini E.: Cytochemical Studies On Purkinje Cell Chromatin During Postnatal Cerebellar Histogenesis: Effect Of Maternal Protein Malnutrition. In: 'Multidisciplinary Approach To Brain Development' (Di Benedetta Et Al. Eds.), Elsevier/North Holland Biomed. Press, Amsterdam, 335-336, 1980.

17. Van Prooijen-Knegt A.C., Redi C.A., Van Der Ploeg M.: Quantitative Aspects Of The Cytochemical Feulgen-Dna Procedure Studied On Model Systems And Cell Nuclei. Histochemistry (Berlino), 69, 1-17, 1980.

16. Redi C.A., Beltrami M.L.: Reduced Variability In Nuclear Dna Content Of Vas Deferens Versus Epididymal Spermatozoa In Hybrid Hypofertile Mice. Bas. Appl. Histochem., 23, 293-295, 1979.

15. Fraschini A., Redi C.A., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Aspetti Citochimici Della Maturazione Epididimale Nella Cromatina Degli Spermatozoi Di Topo. Ist. Lomb. Sci. Lett., 113, 3-14, 1979.

14. Bernocchi G., Redi C.A., Scherini E.: Feulgen-Dna Content Of The Purkinje Neuron: 'Diploid' Or 'Tetraploid'?. Bas. Appl. Histochem., 23, 65-70, 1979.

13. Porcelli F., Lauria A., Redi C.A., Fraschini A., Formenti D.: Ricerche Citochimiche Sul Complesso Dna-Proteine Di Spermatozoi Di Tori Fertili Ed Ipofertili. Riv. Zootecnia E Veterinaria, 6, 401-411, 1979.

12. Rubini P.G., Redi C.A., Franco M.G.: Ricerche Olfattometriche Sul Riconoscimento Sessuale Intraspecifico In Musca Domestica. Considerazioni Sulle Potenzialita' Del Metodo Del Maschio Sterile Nel Controllo Di Questo Insetto. Boll. Soc. It. Entomol., 110, 225-241, 1978.

11. Manfredi Romanini M.G., Redi C.A., Bernocchi G.: Osservazioni Sull'organizzazione Della Cromatina Nelle Cellule Giganti Del Trofoblasto Di Ratto. Arch. It. Anat. Embriol., 83, 1-7, 1978.

10. Bernocchi G., Porcelli F., Redi C.A., Scherini E.: Malnutrizione Proteica Ed Efficienza Placentare: Reperti Istochimici. Ann. Ost. Gin. Med. Perin., 4, 243-258, 1978.

9. Porcelli F., Lauria A., Redi C.A., Fraschini A.: Citochimica Quanti-Qualitativa Della Cromatina Nello Spermatozoo Di Toro: Alterazioni Del Rapporto Dna/Proteine In Casi Di Ipofertilita'. Andrologia, 2, 395-398, 1978.

8. Lauria A., Redi C.A., Porcelli F., Chiodi L.C., Chiara F.: Effects Of Cyproterone Acetate On Male Rat Loewenthal's Glands: Chromatin Cytochemistry. In: "Recent Progress In Andrology". Fabbrini A., Steinberger E. Eds. Academic Press, London, 441-446, 1978.

7. Redi C.A., Capanna E.: Dna Content Variation In Mouse Spermatozoa Arising From Meiotic Segregation. Boll. Zool., 45, 315-322, 1978.

6. Manfredi Romanini M.G., Redi C.A.: Evolutionary Implications Of The Analysis Of Feulgen Hydrolysis Curves In Mammalian Species With Different Nuclear Dna Content. J. Hum. Evol. (London), 6, 547-555, 1977.

5. Redi C.A., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Su Alcune Caratteristiche Citochimiche Della Cromatina Negli Eritrociti Di Xenopus Laevis Daud. Riv. Istoch. Norm. Pat., 20, 183-196, 1976.

4. Redi C.A.: Limiti Di Quantitativita' Della Reazione Di Feulgen: Analisi Della Interferenza Esercitata Dalla Deistonizzazione E Dai Trattamenti Di Denaturazione E Rinaturazione. Riv. Istoch. Norm. Pat., 20, 177-182, 1976.

3. Gaspa L., Fiocca R., Redi C.A.: Analisi Microdensitometrica Dei Contenuti Nucleari In Dna (Materiale Feulgen Positivo) In Sezioni Ed Apposizioni Di Miocardio Umano. Boll. Soc. Medico-Chirurgica (Pavia), 89, 247-252, 1976.

2. Bernocchi G., De Stefano G.F., Porcelli F., Redi C.A., Manfredi Romanini M.G.: Feulgen Reaction Hydrolysis Kinetics In Interphase And Metaphase. The Nucleus (Calcutta), 141-149, 1976.

1. Redi C.A., Manfredi Romanini M.G., Capanna E.: Dimensioni Del Genoma E Fusioni Robertsoniane: Contenuto In Dna (Materiale Feulgen Positivo) Nei Nuclei Postcinetici E Nelle Piastre Metafasiche Di Due Popolazioni Cromosomicamente Differenti Di Mus Musculus L. Ist. Lomb. Sci. Lett., 108, 63-88, 1974.