The  Center for Bioethics is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit bioethics research center founded  to explore fundamental and emerging questions in health care, biotechnology,biolaw ,gender  and the environment.

Bioethics  is usually used in a way that includes medical ethics as a subset.  As the more general category, bioethics seems to include additional issues that are not necessarily a part of medical ethics, e.g., research ethics, ethical issues related to new scientific techniques such as cloning, and environmental policy.
For our purposes, we will see bioethics as a general category of which medical ethics is a subset

The Center's research projects are diverse :  topics range from genetic testing   to end of life . The work is carried out by interdisciplinary teams , to frame and examine issues that inform professional practice, public conversation, and social policy.

Seminar-style meetings review developments in science and policy, frame legal and social issues, and engage in deep-seeking and critical reflection on fundamental principles and values. The end products include reports, conferences, online resources, teaching materials, recommendations, articles, and books.

Research projects are grouped into a broad program areas :

  • Genetics
  • Biotechnology
  • Health care and health policy
  • End of life care
  • Biolaw
  • Ethics and scientific research
  • Narrative ethics
  • Gender ethics