Andrea Mazzanti
Course name: Electronic Measurement Techniques
Course code: 062214
Degree course: Ingegneria Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni
Disciplinary field of science: ING-INF/07
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni
University credits: CFU 5
Course website: http://www.unipv.it/aic
Specific course objectives
The course covers fundamentals of measurement error theory and discusses the operating principle of the most widespread electronic instruments, both analog and digital, together with the most important measurement techniques. It also aims at providing the students with the skills to assemble simple measurement and data acquisition systems through practical laboratory activities.
Course programme
Measurements and measurement errors
Definitions, error propagation, systematic and random errors, statistical analyisis of random errors.
Noise in electronic devices and circuits
Fundamentals of statistical analysis of random signals. Mean square value and power spectral density of the noise. Power spectral density transformation through linear networks. Noise sources in resistors and electronic devices (MOSFETs, BJTS, JFETs). Equivalent noise circuit for electronic devices.
Signal generators
Sinusoidal oscillators (Wien bridge, phase-shift, LC, crystal), analog and digital function generators.
General purpose analog oscilloscope
Operating principle, general block diagram, cathodic-ray tube. Time base (triggered, auto and single-sweep operation). Y channel (block diagram, compensated attenuator, amplifier, delay lines, final amplifier). Double-trace oscilloscope. X channel (block diagram, preamplifier, final amplifier). Oscilloscope calibrator.
Voltage, current, resistance measurement
Analog and digital DC voltmeter, current-to-voltage converters, analog and digital resistance-to-voltage converters, multimeters.
Frequency, phase, time interval measurement
Frequency, phase, time interval measurement with the oscilloscope, with numerical counters, with analog and digital phase detectors (EX-OR and flip-flop phase detectors)
Impedance measurement
Passive electronic components, bridge circuits for impedance measurement (Sauty-Wien, parallel capacitor configuration, Maxwell, Hay bridges). Universal Bridge.
Data acquisition laboratory
Assembly of systems for data acquisition from sensors in a LabVIEW environment.
Course entry requirements
Knowledge of the fundamentals covered by the courses of Elettronica I, Circuiti e Sistemi Elettronici and Comunicazioni Elettriche is required.
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 30
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 8
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 12
Suggested reading materials
J.R. Taylor. Introduzione all'analisi degli errori. Zanichelli, 1993.
D.A. Bell. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994.
R.B. Northrop. Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements. CRC Press, 2005.
G. Costanzini, U. Guernelli. Strumentazione e misure elettroniche. Zanichelli, 1983.
Slides on the course topics are available on the website http://eil.unipv.it/miselePV.
Testing and exams
Student knowledge will be assessed through a written examination. If requested, an additional oral exam can be taken. Students are also invited to write a report on the laboratory activity, which is taken into account to determine the final grade.