Ester Cantù
Course name: RC members design - basic course
Course code: 062244
Degree course: Ingegneria Civile
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/09
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Civile
University credits: CFU 6
Course website: n.d.
Specific course objectives
Design of RC beams and columns according to structural safety principles of national and European standard codes.
Course programme
Argomento da modificare
Structural design procedures require the comparison of load effects with resistances.
- In order to evaluate load effects, it is necessary to define:
actions and their significant values, limit states and combinations of actions.
- In order to evaluate the resistance of RC members sections, it is necessary to define:
concrete properties, reinforcing steel properties, concrete-reinforcement bonding properties and hypotheses ruling the behaviour of RC sections at serviceability and ultimate limit states.
Course entry requirements
Structural Mechanics courses: "Scienza delle Costruzioni A" and "Scienza delle Costruzioni B" - The courses "Tecnica delle Costruzioni A" and "Tecnica delle Costruzioni B" are complementary.
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 35
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 20
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Suggested reading materials
Cosenza E., Manfredi G., Pecce M.. Strutture in cemento armato – Basi della progettazione - 2008. Ed. Hoepli.
Aicap. Guida all’uso dell’Eurocodice 2 con riferimento alle Norme Tecniche D.M. 14.01.2008 – 2 volumi - 2008. Ed. Pubblicemento.
E. F. Radogna. Tecnica delle Costruzioni - 3. Sicurezza strutturale, azioni sulle costruzioni, analisi della risposta. Masson.
E. F. Radogna. Tecnica delle Costruzioni - Costruzioni composte "acciaio-calcestruzzo" - Cemento armato - Cemento armato precompresso. Masson.
G. Toniolo. Tecnica delle Costruzioni - Cemento armato - Calcolo agli stati limite - vol 2A. Masson.
G. Toniolo. Tecnica delle Costruzioni - Cemento armato - Calcolo agli stati limite - vol 2B. Masson.
Testing and exams
Two written checks (1 during the course and 1 at the end of the course) or, if failed, one written test at the end of the course. Sufficient evaluation in written tests allows to take the oral test. The final grade is the average of written and oral tests grades.