FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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Technical elements of urban planning

2010-11 Academic year

Lecturer: Carlo Gervasini  

Course name: Technical elements of urban planning
Course code: 064032
Degree course: Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/20
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
University credits: CFU 6
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

The course, launching the student to the disciplines of urban and territorial planning, aims first to understand the relationship between mankind and environment and how the effects of human actions involve changes in the environment and landscape. It introduces the general concept and methodology of Urban Planning indispensable for the composition and for the understanding and application of the practice. The course also explores the more technical issues to enable the student to achieve mastery methods, and urban and territorial indicators.

Course programme

The themes of the course will mainly turn around the current priorities of the "sustainable development" of the territory to be implemented through the protection of the landscape and the natural environment, and also with particular reference to the key role of the "public city" as a prerequisite for a measured and harmonious development of the settlement anthropic. 1. The instruments of the Urban Planning The dimensions, sizes, parameters and indices, the standard planning and its development, zoning, expropriation, compensation and equalization. 2. Examples on important urban references Learn more about the main techniques used for the implementation and / or drafting of the most significant urban plans and programs in the history of the discipline. 3. Technical aspects, methods of investigation and design elements: The grading, the natural environment and natural resources, socio-demographic, residential structures, structures and economic activities, public services, infrastructure and kinematic mobility, systems and technology services, materials in open space (green, squares, streets and parkings), the materials of the built space. 4. The Italian urban planning Legislation: L. n. 1150/1942, L. 765/1967 (Legge Ponte), L. 10/1977 (Legge Bucalossi), the Regional Urban Law in Lombardy n. 12/2005. The planning instruments: the spatial plans, municipal general plans, local urban plans. The Main Statal Law in Construction (DPR 380/2001 and subsequent amendments), the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (D. Lgs. 42/2004 and subsequent amendments), the environmental provisions (Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 and subsequent amendments) and regulations relating to "Plans for the sectors" and the "Urban and territorial constraints".

Course entry requirements

Basic knowledge of mathematical tools, concepts of human geography, ecology and history, ability to prepare a technical report and representative graphs, knowledge representation techniques of manual and computerized.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 40
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 20

Suggested reading materials

P. Gabellini. Tecniche Urbanistiche. Carrocci Editore, Roma (2001).

G. Colombo, F. Pagano, M. Rossetti. Manuale di Urbanistica. Il Sole 24 ore, Milano, 2008.

C. Chiodi. La cittą. Hoepli, Milano 1945.

V. Columbo. La ricerca urbanistica. Giuffr.

G. Rigotti. Urbanistica, la Tecnica (vol. 1), la Composizione (vol. 2). UTET, Torino, 1952.

S. Settis. Paesaggio, costituzione, cemento. Einaudi, Torino (2010). Reccomended supplementary reading.

I. Calvino. Le cittą invisibili. Oscar Mondadori, Milano (1996). Recommended supplementary reading .

Testing and exams

The test consists of an oral examination on learning of the topics and themes developed during the course, will also be evaluated further study carried out by the student.

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