Mario Mora
Course name: Laws and Market of Economy
Course code: 500734
Degree course: Ingegneria Meccatronica
Disciplinary field of science: SECS-P/03
University credits: CFU 6
Course website: n.d.
Specific course objectives
The main objective of this course, which is organized in two main sections, is to provide to the students the basic knowledge of the economic theories:
1) microeconomy – aiming at exploring the laws that regulate the market of supply and demand of the goods and the consequent prices, the different systems of competition or monopoly, the theories of producer or customer;
2) macroeconomy – aiming at informing the reasons and the corrections of the principal conditions that determine PIL, inflation, unemployment, public debt or the circulation of money.
To facilitate an approach to the next professional activities we have inserted some chapters about financial mathematic concerning interest and amortization as well as informations about estimation of single investments and purchasing of company.
Course programme
Lo scopo del corso è di fornire agli studenti le conoscenze di base dei principi economici distinguendo le due parti:
a) microeconomia: per comunicare le leggi che regolano i mercati di domanda e offerta e i conseguenti prezzi, i diversi regimi di concorrenza o monopolio, le teorie del produttore e consumatore;
b) macroeconomia: per segnalare le cause e i rimedi relativi alle principali variabili che determinano il PIL, l'inflazione, la disoccupazione, il debito pubblico o che regolano la circolazione della moneta.
Per consentire un avvicinamento alle future attività professionali sono stati inseriti alcuni capitoli di matematica finanziaria relativi a rendite e ammortamenti di mutui nonchè appunti sulle principali modalità di valutazione di investimenti anche relativi ad acquiszione di imprese.
Argomento da modificare
Argomento da modificare
Course entry requirements
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 36
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 16
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 4
Suggested reading materials
N. Gregory Mankiw. Principi di economia. Zanichelli.
M. Mora. Lectur notes distributed during the lessons of 2009. . These notes are concerning financial mathematic: capitalization, interest and amortization and the main procedures to value investments and companies .
Baranzini - Marangoni. Macro e Microeconomia. CEDAM.
Testing and exams