Carlo Berizzi
Angelo Bugatti
Course name: Teoria e tecniche della progettazione architettonica
Course code: 500839
Degree course: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/14
University credits: CFU 9
Course website: http://www.unipv.it/lcp/forum
Specific course objectives
Course’s aim is to give knowledge of theories which architectural discipline is based on and of techniques leading to a project’s definition. At the end of the course, the student will gain necessary knowledge and ability to approach critically and consciously architectural design.
Course programme
The course in divided in two different modules (Mod. A and Mod. B). In the first module are defined the theoretical principles on which architectural debate developed; starting from architecture’s definitions, the following key concepts will be analysed: type, character, memory, language and form, which are at the base of every project. The second module, which is more planning executive, deepens the study of architecture’s elements combining to building’s composition as, for instance, windows, porticoes, walls and shingles. Through practises, students are introduced to planning experience verifying the elements’ composition through the common way to represent architecture design: plans, prospects, sections and model processing. The course is completed by educational visits and meetings with Italian and foreign guests engaged in the debate about architecture.
Course entry requirements
History of architecture 1
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 40
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 20
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Suggested reading materials
S. Giedion. Spazio, tempo, architettura. Hoepli, 1984.
H. Tessenow. Osservazioni elementari sul costruire. Franco Angeli, Milano, 1975 .
C. Berizzi. Strumenti per la progettazione architettonica. Libreria Clup, Milano, 2007.
A. Bugatti, L. Crespi. Sapienza tecnica e architettura. Milano-Pavia 1950-1980. Alinea, Firenze 1997.
Testing and exams
The examination will consist of the project’s discussion, of the control of individual trainings good execution and of the prove of knowledge of lessons and orientation and reference bibliography contents.