Daniela Grando
Course name: Physics 1
Course code: 501080
Degree course: Ingegneria Industriale
Disciplinary field of science: FIS/01
University credits: CFU 9
Course website: http://www-3.unipv.it/fis/fisicaI_ingind
Specific course objectives
The objective of the course of Physics I is to provide grounding in classical physics, spanning from kinematics, dynamics, fluid dynamics, and thermodynamics. The course aims at developing the ability of mastering the acquired knowledge and discovering its links to everyday life. To pursue this goal, importance will be given to practical classes through which students are expected to achieve a better understanding of theories and concepts, beside developing their ability in problem solving.
Course programme
The course covers a range of topics in classical mechanics and thermodynamics. Topics are introduced by following a logic and analytical framework. Sessions of exercises are proposed for every topic.
- Physical quantities; international system of units for mass, time and length.
- Vectors, vector addition, scalar and vector product
- Kinematics: position and displacement vector, velocity and acceleration vectors, the inverse problem of kinematics; rotational motion, angular velocity and acceleration, normal and tangential acceleration; relative motion.
- Operational definition of force; inertial reference systems and Newton’s laws; weight, elastic force, contact force and friction; inertial forces.
- Work of a force and kinetic energy; power due to a force; work-energy equation; conservative forces; potential energy; mechanical energy; principle of conservation of mechanical energy.
- Impulse of a force; momentum; the impulse-momentum equation; moment of momentum or angular momentum; moment of force or torque; moment of force-moment of momentum equation; central forces.
- Systems of particles; internal and external forces; center of mass; Newton’s second law for a system of particles; conservation of momentum and of moment of momentum; plastic and elastc collisions.
- The rigid body; center of mass and moment of inertia of a rigid body; the Huygens-Steiner or parallel axis theorem; the motion equations for a rigid body; moment of momentum for a rigid body; rotation about an axis and kinetic energy of a rigid body: Koenig theorems; the rolling motion; rigid body collisions; the gyroscopic effect.
- Elements of statics.
- Vibrations; kinematics of oscillatory motion; spring-mass harmonic oscillator, mathematical, physical and torque pendulum; damped vibrations; forced vibrations and resonance.
Fluid Dynamics
- Pressure; density and specific weight.
- Pascal’s law, Archimedes’ principle, and Stevino’s law.
- Definition of ideal fluid; volumetric flux and mass flux; Bernoulli’s equation.
- Thermodynamic variables; thermal equilibrium and the zeroth law of thermodynamics; temperature, thermometers and temperature scales; thermal dilatation.
- The ideal gas and the state equation; kinetic theory of the ideal gas; internal energy.
- Heat and work in thermodynamic systems; heat transfer and calorimetry; the first law of thermodynamics; transmission of heat; thermodynamic transformations.
- The second law of thermodynamics and thermal machines; Carnot theorem and Carnot cycle; Clausius theorem and entropy.
Course entry requirements
The mathematical skills needed include elementary algebra, trigonometry calculations, derivatives and integrals. It is well recommended to take 'Physics I' after ‘Geometry and Algebra’ and ‘Mathematical Analysis I’. Students with low score in the Math faculty-entrance test must pass one of the two previously mentioned exams before 'Physics I'.
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 45
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 45
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Suggested reading materials
Serway, Beichner. FISICA Per Scienze e Ingegneria. EdiSES.
Halliday, Resnick, Krane. "Fisica", vol. 1. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
P.A. Tipler, G. Mosca. CORSO DI FISICA. Vol 1- Meccanica Onde Termodinamica. ZANICHELLI.
Testing and exams
The examination of Physics I consists of two parts. A 2-hour written examination during which the candidates will be asked to solve simple problems on classical physics, and an oral examination being a discussion on the written examination and the principles of classical physics. The candidates will be admitted to the oral examination only in case of positive outcome of the written one.