Ilaria Cristiani
Course name: Physics 2
Course code: 502126
Degree course: Bioingegneria
Disciplinary field of science: FIS/01
University credits: CFU 9
Course website: http://www-3.unipv.it/fis/fisica2/
Specific course objectives
This course provides basic informations on electromagnetic phenomena: electrostatics; magnetostatics; electromagnetic properties of matter; time-dependent electromagnetic fields; Maxwell's equations;
Course programme
This course is a survey of basic electromagnetic phenomena.
Electric Charges and Electric Force; Electric Fields, Dipoles. Electric Flux and Gauss's Law. Electrostatic Potential; Electrical Energy and Equipotential Surfaces. Conductors; Capacitance. Polarization; Dielectrics; Capacitors.
Electric current
Current flux, Resisitivity and Ohm's Law. EMF; Kirchoff's Rules; Circuits.
Magnetic Fields; Lorentz Force; Moving Charges in B-fields, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere's Law and Solenoids,Torques. Magnetic Materials, Dia-, Para-, and Ferromagnetism.
Time-dependent electromagnetic fields
Electromagnetic Induction; Faraday's Law and Non-conservative Fields. RL Circuits, Inductance, and Magnetic Field Energy Diplacement Currents and Maxwell's Equations.
Electromagnetic waves
Wave equation; Traveling Waves; Index of Refraction; Poynting Vector; Polarization. Refraction and Dispersion; Polarizers; Interference.
Course entry requirements
Physics: mechanics Mathematics: derivatives and integration of simple functions. Vectorial differential operators. Linear differential equations
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 52
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 30
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Suggested reading materials
Mazzoldi - Nigro - Voci . Fisica Vol II. EdiSES.
Titolo del riferimento da modificare.
Testing and exams
Written and oral exam