Giancarlo Reali
Course name: Quantum Electronics
Course code: 502948
Degree course: Ingegneria Elettronica
Disciplinary field of science: FIS/03
University credits: CFU 6
Course website: http://www-3.unipv.it/fis/elett.quant.270/
Specific course objectives
The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to quantum physics and its applications to engineering problems, in particular to LASERS and to radiation-matter interaction. It provides the basic notions to understand the more advanced electronic and photonic applications.
Course programme
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
Basic applications of quantum mechanics
Representation theory
Hydrogen atom, many electrons atoms, and the periodic table of elements
Perturbation theory
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atomic systems
Absorption and dispersion of radiation by atomic media
LASER oscillation
Optical resonators
Some specifics laser systems
Semiconductor lasers
Short and ultrashort laser pulse generation
Course entry requirements
Electromagnetic fields and Mathematical methods should have been given. Useful (but optional) is the knowledge of the topics of the course Photonics. Very useful is a knowledge of elementary numerical analysis and programming skills in a high level language -- Matlab, Octave, Scilab, Mathematica, Maple, to solve and visualize problems (even more useful for future thesis work)
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 45
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Suggested reading materials
The primary reference is Yariv's book. The other textbooks contain useful complementary material. Generally the course will not necessarily follow the systematic sequence of the Yariv, and handouts, that provide supplementary material, will be posted in the course webpage.
A. Yariv. Quantum Electronics, 3rd edition. Wiley.
C.L.Tang. Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics, for solid-state electronics and optics. Cambridge.
D. J. Griffiths. Introduzione alla Meccanica Quantistica, 2a edizione. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Testing and exams
Project report (plus seminar) and oral test. Details of individual projects given during the course.