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Architettura e composizione architettonica 1

2011-12 Academic year

Lecturer: Giacomo DeAmicis   Luca Trabattoni  

Course name: Architettura e composizione architettonica 1
Course code: 500844
Degree course: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/14
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
University credits: CFU 12
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

The course aims to give essential instruments for a correct approach to architectural product’s composition. Ex cathedra lessons, side by side with a field training cycle, define architectural composition elements and Architectural Composition rules, also through different approaches contextualization in an historical path reaching present days. Necessary instruments to comprehend the most recent discipline debate are the study of city’s architectural typological and morphological features and the relationships with the context, at different reference scales possible for the project.

Course programme

Interchanging ex cathedra lessons, trainings and laboratories, course’s program aims to give a conscious methodology to approach architectural project. Useful to this purpose is the study of architectural discipline’s disciplinary statute, also through targeted references to history reaching close present days so to substantiate the cultural approach to the project and the resulting outcomes. City’s study, through primary elements and references to second post-war period’s Italian school, is introductory to the project and heralds to the complication of an architectural intervention in an urban consolidated context. Introduction to urban typological and morphological analysis, referred both to collective functions and residence, allows to face consciously the comparison with the context, also at urban scale, where the architectural product is located. Appropriate also contemporary planning references’ selection gives interpretative keys, which are necessary instruments for planning Lab and further Architectural Composition courses. The Lab aims to apply planning rules examined in lessons and trainings, through a planning theme individuated in Pavia city area. The program schedules a continue verify of a planning methodology acquisition that holds good at the different intervention scales, from idea to definitive patterns, also through study models. Single and collective project reviews represent chances of comparison with teachers and training path verification. Freehand drawing is compulsory till complete definition of architectural product and its composition characters. Syllabus also schedules conferences and meetings with Italian and foreign illustrious names engaged in contemporary debate about architecture, and educational visits to some important architectural works.

Course entry requirements

Planning Theory and Technique’s contents (ex Architecture and Architectural Composition 1 – 1st year, a.y. 2008-2009) are considered acquired.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60

Suggested reading materials

Specific bibliographic references for handled matters, articles, texts or parts of texts, will be given during all communications. They will be published, from time to time, on course’s inside forum (www.unipv.it/lcp/fofum) , which is a valid instrument for information exchange among students and with teachers. Moreover it’s necessary to consult an optional history text (Zevi, Benevolo, Curtis) to better assess the arguments that have been handled during the lessons. Furthermore it’s advisable to consult systematically at least two of the following magazines: Casabella, Domus, Abitare, l’Arca.

A. Loos. Parole nel vuoto. Adelphi, Milano, 1993.

R. Dell'Osso. L'architettura della villa. Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, 2004 .

A. Bugatti, R. Dell’Osso, R. De Lotto. Abitare il Paesaggio. Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, 2008.

C. Berizzi (a cura di). Strumenti per la progettazione architettonica. Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, 2009.

I. Delsante (a cura di). Giancarlo De Carlo e la Facoltà di Ingegneria di Pavia. Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, 2007.

I. Delsante. Innovazione tecnologica e Architettura. Maggioli Editore, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, 2007.

Testing and exams

Oral test will focus both on i) the year theme planning discussion and ii) on the learning verify of developed theoretical lessons and of the reference bibliography. Some intermediate test are organized, to verify texts and lessons learning: a judgement is expressed that allows the student to understand its knowledge. Training products must be considered integral part in the exam’s whole valuation.

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