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fundamentals of road infrastructures

2011-12 Academic year

Lecturer: Eugenio Probati  

Course name: fundamentals of road infrastructures
Course code: 502533
Degree course: Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/04
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale
University credits: CFU 6
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge and the acquisition of fundamental notions to set up and develop a proper design of roads.

Course programme

Lessons -> 1) Transports and Land: hints of economic geography and regional planning, 2) Infrastructure and Transportation Systems: concepts, definitions and classifications; 3) Elements of Mechanics of Locomotion: general equation of motion and the phenomenon of adhesion, signs on drive systems, study of the stages of motion, the vehicle behavior during cornering; 4) road design: types of project and process road; tracks: study horizontal and vertical alignment, cross sections, the calculation of earthworks and carryovers; study of the localization of sites for the optimization of ground movements; nodes: intersections at grade level and staggered. Tutorials -> 1) graph-analytical applications of mechanics of locomotion; 2) Study Plan (guideline, polygonal shaft, axle and track) and elevation (longitudinal profile of the land and project related to the axis) of a road; 3 ) site visits

Course entry requirements

Fundamentals of mathematical analysis and physical

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 15
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 30
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 45

Suggested reading materials

Stagni Ernesto, "Meccanica della locomozione", PATRON Editore, Bologna, 1980. Prezioso testo (non più ristampato, ma consultabile presso la nostra Biblioteca di Facoltà) di riferimento per l'approfondimente delle questioni caratterizzanti la "Meccanica dell locomozione"
Tesoriere Giuseppe. "Strade Ferrovie Aeroporti - Volume I°". UTET Torino, 1990
Ferrari Paolo, Giannini F. "Ingegnaria stradale - 1. Geometria e progetto di strade", ISEDI Torino, 1994
Discacciati M , Filippucci G. "Le strade", NIS Roma, 1995 (manuale di riferimento per la progettazione stradale)

Barp A. e Vittadini M. R. (a cura di). Zambrini Guglielmo - Questioni di trasporti e di infrastrutture. Marsilio, Venezia 2011. Un MAESTRO insegna .... .

Annunziata F., Cecere E., Coni M., Maltinti F., Pinna. F., Portas S. . Progettazione stradale - Dalla ricerca al disegno delle strade. Dario Flaccovio, Palermo, 2007. Testo importante per l'inquadramento delle questioni caratterizzanti l'ingegneria stradale .

Esposito T., Mauro R.. Fondamenti di infrastrutture viarie - Volume I “La geometria stradale”. . HEVELIUS Edizioni, Benevento, 2001. Testo di riferimento per l'insegnamento di "Fondamenti di infrastrutture viarie".

Testing and exams

It 'will be a written test in progress on "Mechanics of locomotion." Students who have passed the test in progress shall be eligible for the final (oral) which will cover the remaining part of the course. Students who have not exceeded or not they supported the need to bring the final exam (oral) also the "Mechanics of locomotion".

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