FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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Road infrastructure project

2011-12 Academic year

Lecturer: Eugenio Probati  

Course name: Road infrastructure project
Course code: 502542
Degree course: Ingegneria Civile, Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/04
University credits: CFU 6
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

The course is designed to supplement the knowledge necessary for a proper road design, acquired in the course of Fundamentals of roads, with the acquisition of knowledge for the construction and management of road infrastructure.

Course programme

Lessons: The construction of transport infrastructure: the testing by the contract, executive procedures, site organization and management of contracts, the construction of earthworks: physical and mechanical properties and classification; compressibility and carrying capacity, active and passive forces and elements instability of the road and slopes, construction of works of art: structural patterns and types of construction of bridges and viaducts; general methods of excavation, calls on the calculation of forces and elements of the calculation of the coating in tunnel construction ; works of art and minor protection works; the construction of the superstructure: characteristics of acceptance and quality of road construction materials, foundation, base and surface layers; hints on sizing, management of transport infrastructure: the 'management organization of road networks through the streets of the land as an instrument of knowledge and programming scheduled and extraordinary maintenance of superstructure and works of art.
Project: Development of a comprehensive road project report and construction documents.

Course entry requirements

And 'required basic knowledge and fundamental notions acquired in the course of Fundamentals of road infrastructures.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 36
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 18
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0

Suggested reading materials

Tesoriere G.. Strade Ferrovie Aeroporti. Volume II, UTET, Torino, 1990
Ferrari P., Giannini F.. Ingegneria stradale - 2 Corpo stradale e pavimentazioni. ISEDI, Torino, 1996
Discacciati M. e Filippucci G.. Le strade. NIS, Roma, 1995

Mazzucato A. (a cura di) . Aspetti geotecnici nella progettazione e nella costruzione di rilevati stradali e ferroviari. CISM - Università di Padova, Udine, 2001. Testo di riferimento ed approfondimento per le questioni riguardanti le costruzioni di rilevati stradali e ferroviari in terra .

Lamm R., Psarianos B., Mailaender T.. Highway Design and Traffic Safety Engineering Handbook. . Titolo del riferimento da modificare. Mc Graw - Hill Handbook, New York, 1999. . Testo di approfondimento per le questioni che caratterizzano l'ingegneria stradale .

Annunziata F., Cecere E., Coni M., Maltinti F., Pinna. F. Portas S., . Progettazione stradale - Dalla ricerca al disegno delle strade. Dario Flaccovio, Palermo, 2007. Testo importante per l'inquadramento delle questioni caratterizzanti l'ingegneria stradale.

Bringiotti M.. Guida al Tunnelling . Edizioni PEI, Parma, 1996. Testo di riferimento per un quadro completo (ma non aggiornato) delle questioni connesse alla costruzione di gallerie.

MAYER L. . Impianti ferroviari - Tecnica ed esercizio . CIFI - ROMA, 1990 . Testo fondamentale per le questioni caratterizzanti l'ingegneria ferroviaria.

Testing and exams

And 'only one possible final oral examination to verify the acquisition by the student, both manufacturing techniques and materials that characterize the requirements of the body and the pavement, and capacity planning, project profusely in the study of the road.

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