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Strumentazione optoelettronica e biofotonica

2011-12 Academic year

Lecturer: Silvano Donati  

Course name: Strumentazione optoelettronica e biofotonica
Course code: 503274
Degree course: Ingegneria Elettronica
Disciplinary field of science: ING-INF/01
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Elettronica
University credits: CFU 9
Course website: http://www-3.unipv.it/donati/; http://www-3.unipv.it/me

Specific course objectives

This is an advanced course covering first the analysis, and then the design, of apparatus and instruments based on laser sources for measurements in industrial and biomedical applications. Prerequisites are a basic course in electronics and knowledge of laser principles. A book in English, "Electrooptical Instrumentation" by S.Donati Prentice Hall 2004 will be used, along with lecture notes for the biomedical part not covered by the book.

Course programme

the course is oriented to engineering design and applications of the concepts that are presented and developed into workable example of optoelectronic instrumentation. The course material is divided into two sections: the first, devoted to basic methods and configurations of laser instrumentation for the measurements of industrial-application related quantities, and the second, aimed to the biomedical segment of applications.

Argomento da modificare
Overview. Alignment systems, laser level, pointing and tracking. Diameter sensors by diffraction. Granulometry. Telemetry with pulse laser sources and modulated CW sources for topography and geodesy. Analysis of noise and timing accuracy. Laser interferometry for mechanical metrology. Profilometry. Injection Interferometry. Vibrometry. Testing of large structures. Doppler velocimetry. Speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI). 
Optical fiber sensors: intensity, polarization and interferometric. Strain, temperature, electrical (V/I) and chemical OFS. 
The Zeeman gyroscope for avionics and the optical fiber gyroscope (FOG).

Alignment, Pointing and Sizing Instruments
Properties of Gaussian beams - Alignment, Pointing and Tracking - The Quadrant Photodiode - Position Sensing Detector - Position Sensing with Reticles - Laser Level -Wire Diameter Sensor - Particle Sizing LAELS, SEAS, DSSA

Laser Rangefinders
Laser Telemeters by Triangulation and Time of Flight Telemeters. Power Budget - System Equation - Accuracy of the Pulsed Telemeter - Accuracy of the Sine-Wave Telemeter - The Ambiguity Problem - Intrinsic Precision and Calibration - Transmitter and Receiver Optics -Optimum Filters - Instrumental Developments of Telemeters - The LIDAR

Laser Interferometry
Overview - Basic Laser Interferometer - Measuring with the Interferometer - Ultimate Limits -Performance Parameters- Speckle-Related Errors - Read-out Configurations of Interferometry - Laser Vibrometry - Other Applications of Injection Interferometry - Absolute Distance Measurements - Angle Measurements - OCT or White Light Interferometry - nanometer-Profilometry Speckle-Pattern effects: Speckle in Single-Point Interferometers - Speckle Regime in Vibration Measurements - Speckle Regime in Displacement Measurements - The Problem of Speckle Phase-Error Correction Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry

Laser Doppler Velocimetry
Principle of Operation - The Velocimeter as an Iinterferometer - Performance Parameters - Accuracy of the Doppler Frequency - Alignment and Positioning Error- Direction Discrimination- Placement of the Photodetector - Particle Seeding - Electronic Processing of the Doppler Signal - Time Domain Processing - Optical Configurations

Electro-Optical Gyroscopes
Overview - The Sagnac Effect - Basic Gyro Configurations - Development of the RLG - The Dithered Laser Ring Gyro DRLG - The Ring Zeeman Laser Gyro - Performances of RLGs - The Fiber Optics Gyro - The Open-Loop Fiber Optic Gyro - Requirements on FOG Components - Technology to Implement the FOG - The Closed-Loop FOG - The Resonant Gyro and Other Configurations - Integrated Gyro Configurations - Other Approaches, MEMS, piezo

Fiber Optic Sensors
Introduction - Classification of OFS ( Intensity Polarization, Interferometric) - Outline of OFS - The Optical Strain Gage: A Case Study - Readout Configuration -Intensity Readout - Polarimetric Readout - Interferometric Readout - Multiplexed and Distributed OFS

Course entry requirements

prerequisites are a basic course in Electronics (basic devices and circuits) and one on photonics (basics of lasers and related optical components, and basics of fibers)

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 55
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 12
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 12

Suggested reading materials

material: a book from S. Donati on the first part and lecture notes of S. Merlo for the second part

S. Donati. Electrooptical Instrumentation. Prentice Hall, USA 2004.

S. Merlo. Lecture notes on Biophotonics. CLUP.

Testing and exams

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