FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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Bioengineering And Physiology

2014-15 Academic year

Lecturer: Gerardo Biella   Angelo Buizza   Angelo Taglietti  

Course name: Bioengineering And Physiology
Course code: 500710
Degree course: Bioingegneria
Disciplinary field of science: CHIM/03,BIO/09,ING-IND/34
The course relates to:
University credits: ECTS 12
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

This course aims at introducing basic knowledge about living systems and their study by quantitative models. It consists of three teaching modules: Basic Chemistry, Principles of Physiology, Models in Physiology. "Basic Chemistry" will introduce fundamentals of chemistry, in particular those preliminary to "Principles of Physiology", and provide students with appropriate language, formalisms, and tools needed for the study of physiology. Special attention is paid to ions behavior in solutions, redox processes chemistry, and basic stoichiometry. "Principles of Physiology" will provide students with basic knowledge about cell morphology and physiology, and physiology of organs and systems, in particular respiratory, cardio-vascular, and renal system. "Models in Physiology" will introduce principles of the quantitative study of living systems, in particular those described in "Principles of Physiology". The student will learn fundamentals of (i) compartmental models of metabolic systems, (ii) electrical models of bio-electric phenomena, and (iii) mechanical models of simple bio-mechanical systems.

Course programme

The module of Basic Chemistry is given during the first semester, that of Models in Phiysiology during the second semester, and that of Principles of Physiology during both semesters.

Introduction. Elements, compounds, substances. Atomic, molecular and isotopic mass. Concept of mole. Chemical reactions. The equivalent. Types of reactions. Redox reactions. The oxidation number. Stoichiometry, chemical names. Atomic structure. Hints about quantum mechanics. Atomic models. Atomic orbitals. Electronic configuration of the elements. Periodic table of the elements and periodic properties. The chemical bond. Ionic and covalent bonds. Lattice energy in ionic solids. Bonding energy. Lewis formulas. Hints to VSEPR theory. Gases. Hints to kinetic theory of gases. Properties and laws of ideal and real gases. Liquids. Vapour pressure and temperature. Solutions: properties, composition, concentration values. Raoult's law. Colligative properties. Solids. Hints to structures and features of ionic, covalent, molecular and metallic crystals. Chemical Equilibrium. The concept of dynamic equilibrium. Equilibrium in solutions. Nature of acids and bases. Acids and bases strength. Structure-features correlation in acids. Auto-ionisation in water. pH and its calculation. Buffer solutions. Hydrolysis. Electro-chemistry. Redox potentials. Nernst's law.

The biological membrane - Transmembranal fluxes - Membrane transports - Ionic channels - Membrane potential - Membrane equivalent circuit - Passive electrophysiological properties of a cell - The action potential - Chemical and electrical synapses - Sensory receptors - Reflexes - The muscle contraction - Renal physiology - Respiratory physiology - Cardiac and vascular physiology.

Modelling living systems: different kinds of model; usefulness and limits of studying living systems by means of mathematical models. Compartmental models: linear models, non-linear models, and linearisation; models of tracer kinetics; a priori identifiability of linear models; study of one- and two-compartment models. Models of neuromuscular systems: electrical models of bio-electric potentials generation, propagation, and transmission; basic elastic and visco-elastic models of muscle, soft tissue, and simple muscular systems.

Course entry requirements


Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 91
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0

Suggested reading materials

Lecture notes provided by the teachers and made available through the course website (http://lotarionline.unipv.it/moodle/).

Testing and exams

Written exam.

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