FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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Environmental Physics And Hydraulic Systems

2014-15 Academic year

Lecturer: Giuseppe Barbero   Anna Magrini  

Course name: Environmental Physics And Hydraulic Systems
Course code: 503009
Degree course: Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
Disciplinary field of science: ING-IND/08,ING-IND/11
The course relates to:
University credits: ECTS 9
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

The course is aimed at engineering students to improve their knowledge about noise pollution, its reduction in urban areas, and about global environmental confort outdoors. The control of air pollutant emissions, particularly CO2, may be performed at the source, by reducing energy consumption in buildings. Air conditioning systems in buildings, and use of solar energy to reduce heating loads in buildings are analysed. The student will have the basis knowledge about analysis of the feasibility of reducing consumption of HVAC Systems and the use of solar collectors. The course of Hydraulic Machines aims to show the characteristics and basic operating principles of hydraulic machines commonly used in industries. Particular attention is focused on the choice of the most appropriate machinery and on flow rate regulation system in order to maximize plant efficiency.

Course programme

Noise Pollution
Noise propagation principles. Sound absorption, materials, noise reduction by means of barriers. Outdoor environment: noise sources in urban areas, classification of noise, noise measurements and evaluation criteria, analysis of actions to reduce noise. Plans to safeguard environmental quality, environmental protection against noise. Analysis of geomorphological, meteorological, anthropological and settlement characteristics of the territory. Noise sources and mapping in terms of noise pollution. Methods of intervention for the noise reduction in highly polluted areas.

Energy performance of buildings
Methods for evaluation of energy performance. Energy balance and international-national standards. Energy-saving technologies. System types existing and innovative solutions. Efficiency of heating and air conditioning systems. Solutions for the building envelope and systems to reduce energy consumption in buildings.

Solar energy
Energy saving is also based on better exploitation of natural resources. The use of solar water heaters offers good ideas for reducing fuel consumption and pollutants into the atmosphere. Evaluation of the solar energy that can be used. Common types and innovative solar panels. Hydraulic system and possibility of use as hot water and support heating systems. Analysis of achievable energy savings . Calculation methods of the benefits of collectors and water heating solar systems. Installation design.

Hydraulic systems
General principles Thermodynamic and fluid-dynamic principles of fluid-operating machines. Mass and energy conservation. Relative motions, Euler equation.-------------- Pumps Classification and selection criteria. Operating parameters: head, efficiencies and power required. Performance curves, design and off-design operating conditions: flow rate control methods. Cavitation, NPSH required. Affinity laws for turbomachines. Interaction between pump geometry and performance required.--------------- Hydraulic turbines Hydraulic plants and selection criteria. Pelton, Francis and Kaplan: operating characteristics and performance curves.

Course entry requirements

Principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 68
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0

Suggested reading materials

Per la parte relativa a FTA sono disponibili (richiesta via mail al docente) le slides proiettate durante il corso, che rappresentano una traccia non esaustiva degli argomenti trattati a lezione. Durante il corso vengono via via segnalati materiali interessanti da reperire sul web.----------------- A.Magrini. Progettare il silenzio.. EPC Libri 2003.--------------- I.Sharland.. Manuale di acustica applicata. . Woods Italia 1980.. ------------------ A.Magrini, L.Magnani. . Fisica Tecnica, Volume II - Esempi di calcolo di psicrometria, acustica e illuminotecnica. . Cittą Studi Edizioni. .-------------- A.Magrini. La progettazione degli impianti di climatizzazione negli edifici.. EPC Libri 2002.----------------- A.Magrini, D.Ena. . Tecnologie solari attive e passive. . EPC Libri 2005..-------------------- Dispense delle lezioni a cura del docente del corso di Macchine.---------------- G. Cornetti. Macchine Idrauliche. Il Capitello - Torino.---------------- Ceccotti Luca; De Angelis Alessandra; Onorio Saro. Riqualificazione impiantistica degli edifici esistenti. Linee guida per gli edifici residenziali . EPC Libri 2013.----------------- AA.VV.. Serramenti e schermature per la riqualificazione energetica ed ambientale. Criteri per la valutazione e la scelta. EPC Libri 2013. Indicazioni varie.----------------------- AA.VV.. Tecnologie solari negli edifici esistenti. Criteri di progetto e metodologie di calcolo. Con CD-ROM. EPC Libri 2013.------------------ A.Magrini. Soluzioni per l'isolamento termico di edifici esistenti. Esempi di analisi termica e verifica igrometrica delle pareti. Con CD-ROM. EPC Libri 2013. Indicazioni varie.

Testing and exams

The final verification is represented by a written test and an oral exam (usually the day after the written test) in the dates fixed in the calendar. It is possible to carry an exercise (optional) on the application of concepts. The mode of execution and delivery of the exercise, the access to educational materials are given in the teacher's web page.

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