FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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Sistemi di telecomunicazioni

2014-15 Academic year

Lecturer: Lorenzo Favalli  

Course name: Sistemi di telecomunicazioni
Course code: 504024
Degree course: Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica
Disciplinary field of science: ING-INF/03
University credits: ECTS 9
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

Provide description of commercial systems with a view of the technical solutions adopted. The course can be also taken as a 6 credits unit.

Course programme

Services and applications
Fax, data communications, video, quality of service.

Mobile radio systems based on centralized infrastructure.
The GSM standard as trailing example (network structure, system and sub-systems definition. Pprotocol structure, voice coding, signaling, modulation, radio interface structure. The US standard IS-95. GSM phase 2 and 2+, GPRS, EDGE. UMTS: system structure and functional blocks. Structure of the UTRAN access network. The core network and its evolution. IMS. HSPA. LTE

Structure of a TLC system
Source, signaling, transport and multiplexing, protocols and interfaces. Standards and protocols.

Transmission media
Characterization of basic properties of wireless and wired transmission media: impairments and capacitites.

Basic traffic theory
Markov systems, birth death processes. Offered and served traffic, arrival and departure frequencies. Little’s result, Kedall notation, M/M/*/*/* systems. Performance analysis and dimensioning.

Multiplexing and transport
Time/frequency/code division access. Plesiochronous and synchronous hierarchies. Statistical multiplexing. Wireless channels.

Switching and signaling.
Definition of blocking type. Time division switching. In band, out of band and common channel signaling..

Local and metropolitan networks
Access schemes and related protocols: Token bus, Token ring, FDDI, DQDB. Wireless networks: Bluetooth, WiFi, sensor networks, WiMax

Mobile radio systems
Network architecture and its evolution. Description of radio interfaces and transmission techniques in popular mobile radio systems (GSM-GPRS, UMTS, LTE).

Course entry requirements

Notions from the courses Electrical Communications and Computer networks.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 68
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0

Suggested reading materials

O. Bertazioli, L. Favalli, . GSM/GPRS. Hoepli.

W. Stallings. Trasmissione Dati e Reti di Computer. Jackson Libri..

A. Pattavina. Reti di Telecomunicazione. McGraw-Hill.

Testing and exams

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