FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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Electronics and Static Energy Conversion

2014-15 Academic year

Lecturer: Valerio Annovazzi Lodi   Enrico Dallago  

Course name: Electronics and Static Energy Conversion
Course code: 504060
Degree course: Ingegneria Industriale
Disciplinary field of science: ING-INF/01,ING-IND/32
The course relates to:
University credits: ECTS 12
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

The first module of this course is focused on the main analog linear and non-linear applications of junction diodes, field effect transistors and operational amplifiers. Moreover, it offers a basic knowledge of MOS logical families and digital circuits. The final goal of the course is to teach the students how to analyze and perform measurements on analog circuits, and the design of simple circuits with op-amps and discrete MOS devices. The second module of this course is focused on the analisys of the characteristics of semiconductor power devices, electronic power converters and related industrial applications.

Course programme

This course includes two modules: Electronics (prof. Annovazzi Lodi) and Static energy conversion (prof. Dallago). The first module is an introduction to linear and non-linear analog electronics, and to digital electronics. The second module is an introduction to static power converters and their industrial applications.

Programme of the module of Electronics

  • Operational amplifiers
Ideal operational amplifier. Adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator. Network synthesis with op-amps. Bias currents and voltage offset. Multivibrators.
Junction diodes. Avalanche and Zener diodes. Voltage regulators. Rectifiers.
  • JFET and MOS devices. Biasing. Small signal model. Basic amplifier stages. Current mirrors. The MOSFET as a switch.
  • Digital circuits
Basic digital gates. MOS integrated gates: n-MOS inverters; the CMOS inverter. The latch and the Flip-flop. Memories. D/A and A/D converters.
  • Linear networks. 
Amplifiers and their circuit models; Theorems of Norton, Thevenin, Miller. Time and frequency response of single time constant circuits. Bode diagrams.

Programme of the module of Static energy conversion

  • Introduction. The electrical energy and applications . The electrical energy processing. Static conversions. Electromagnetic transformer. The power electronic converter. Thermal problems and cooling.
  • Electronic devices. The silicon and pn junction. Static characteristics of power electronic devices: diode. Bipolar junction transistor, thyristors (SCR, TRIAC, GTO), mosfet, insulated gate bipolar transistor. Assembly of diodes and SCRs.
  • AC/DC conversion Introduction: loads and direct current employment. Assumptions on which is based the study of rectifier circuits. Monophase rectifiers. Poliphase rectifiers. Three-phase transformers and interphase transformers. The phase control. The natural commutation of diodes and SCRs. Voltage drops. Harmonics. Applications: dc electrical drives and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission.
  • DC/DC conversion. Working principle of the chopper. SCR chopper and GTO chopper. Application of the chopper in electrical traction.
  • DC/AC conversion. Introduction. The monophase inverter: output voltage- frequency control. Voltage source three-phase inverter. Current source inverter. Square wave three-phase inverter. The pulse width modulation technique.
  • AC/AC conversion The cycloconverter. Applications.

Course entry requirements

Basic theory of passive linear networks. Principles of electrical engineering.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 68
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 36
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 12

Suggested reading materials

A.Sedra, K.Smith. Microelectronic Circuits, III or newer ed. Oxford University Press .

G. Moeltgen.. I tiristori: circuiti di conversione, teoria ed impiego. . Etas libri. .

J. Schaefer. . Rectifier Circuits: Theory and Design.. John Wiley & Sons. .

B. W. Williams. . Power Control Electronics. . Prentice-Hall. .

Testing and exams

Electronics: Written examination consisting of the analysis of an amplifier stage with discrete devices, and of a circuit with an operational amplifier. Oral examination on the whole program. Static energy conversion: Oral examination on the whole program.

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