FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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City planning

2014-15 Academic year

Lecturer: Roberto De Lotto  

Course name: City planning
Course code: 506626
Degree course: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/21
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
The course relates to: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
University credits: ECTS 12
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

Course programme

The aim of the course is to teach and explain some important basics of city and urban planning discipline and to give students planning tools through the study of the local transformation process and the current instrumental and normative resources. The course shows some models that explain local and urban transformation process, and also the relation between these and the urban planning tools.
The most important themes developed during the course are: city and urban planning toward a flexible approach, actual urban transformation in Italy, historical and institutional aspects of urban and juridical institutes and some current thematic researches in the territorial and urban context national and international, such as:
- infrastructural system and sustainable mobility,
- urban design and morphological fabric,
- collective spaces,
- city and university settlements,
- environmental dimension of plans,
- introduction to strategic environmental assessment.

Course entry requirements

Knowledge acquired front the teaching "Tecnica Urbanistica"

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 80
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 40
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60

Suggested reading materials

R. De Lotto, M. L. Di Tolle (a cura di), 2013. Elementi di Progettazione Urbanistica. Maggioli Editore. MANDATORY.
De Lotto R., 2008. Cittą e pianificazione: la tradizione di Pavia e le opportunitą per il futuro. Maggioli Editore. MANDATORY.
De Lotto R., Zhuang. Y., 2013. Urban Design. Maggioli Editore. MANDATORY.
De Lotto R., Bugatti A., Dell'Osso R. (2008). Abitare il paesaggio. Maggioli Editore. SUGGESTED.
Erba V., 2001. Strumenti urbanistici per interventi di qualitą. Franco Angeli. SUGGESTED.

Testing and exams

Exam consists on an individual colloquium about lessons issues and about Design Studio results

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