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Sistemi di e-government (mn)

2009-10 Academic year

Lecturer: Adelelmo Lodi Rizzini  

Course name: Sistemi di e-government (mn)
Course code: 064203
Degree course: Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio, Ingegneria Informatica
Disciplinary field of science: ING-INF/05
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
The course relates to: Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
University credits: CFU 6
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

An e-government solution or an e-government system represents an innovation key-point in the interaction between citizens and Public Administration. The present course gives the student an overview of the relevant issues so that he/she can understand and appreciate the new integrated, innovation context in the relationship between citizens and Public Administration. In addition to technological aspects, the key role is played by the context and the problems resulting from, which consent the widespread use of technology. Thus, technology will be put into relation to organization and legal issues in view of the realization of innovation processes. According to what above mentioned, the student will get an idea about the whole range of problems – technical, legal-formal, organizational change management, public consent – resulting from the introduction of innovation processes in Public Administration. In this way, he/she will acquire experience in social relations he/she may have with Administrations, which are non computer-aided systems. This perspective, albeit the different emphases, can apply to business systems as well.

Course programme

The four-section course presents an overview of the current complexity of an e-government solution or e-government system, by highlighting all issues resulting from the new digital relation among citizens, businesses and Public Administration. The topics under discussion also aim at providing an overview of Italian innovation issues, which helps the student to get his/her own idea about the current status and its trends.

I) E-government systems: Innovation in Public Administration through digital systems
This section sets forth the offer of final services to citizens and businesses, such as portals, types of service, classifications, realization modes and underlying organization models, access features, response to services from people. Particular attention will be paid to difficulty of use as well as to the so called multi-channels, the offer of a plurality of information points – online, call centers, counters, mobile phone – which needs a significant shake-up of the local authorities. The student is requested to understand the results – services – of innovation processes in order to be better able to consider the following topics, otherwise too indefinite.

II) Italian Regulation of E-government systems
Starting from some general definitions helping understand the original technical aspect, this second section describes how the Italian legislator has regulated the e-government systems. It will take into account the points presented by the Digital Administration Code (Law 82/2005) and the integrative laws (Law Stanca on accessibility, intervention on privacy) as follows : - System of rules;
- General Principles about Digital Administration Setting and Organization;
- Data availability (modules, websites and portals);
- Information Management (digital document, digital signature, protocol, document management);
- Storage and Transmission of documents (optical computer storage, e-mail, certified e-mail);
- Access (accessibility, usability, electronic identity card, national health service card, temporary systems);
- Infrastructures (SPC).
This section means to highlight how technology can be applied to legal formats.

III) Project management and process analysis
The third section of the course will study the organizational aspects related to Innovation as follows:
1. Project management – particular attention will be paid to public innovation projects
2. Process analysis.
The first step includes the analysis of the main project management features – project concept, designing phases, project approval process, project management roles, project presentation, risk assessment, project progress check and reporting, end of the project. Some recent public projects will be examined in order to understand their structures according to the general concepts previously developed.
The second step foresees the analysis of the basic concepts about the organizational intervention resulting from the process digitalization - Business Process Reengineering, Business Process Redesign, Total Quality Management, Plans of Change by the application of the same concepts to the Public System in which the concepts of progress and procedure count. A system of assessment-intervention on the situation involved is proposed. Particular attention is paid to Sportello Unico (all-purpose desk) for production activities.

IV) General e-government program action in Italy
The fourth section of the course will focus on the Italian program action, by examining first all macro-projects until the year 2000 – project A9, Electronic Identity Card, RUPA – and then all notices from Public Administrations following the 2000 Action Plan. Another objective is the comprehension of documents through the study of notices – notifications, calls for bids, specifications -, fundamental principles of notices, project selection, lists. Finally, the student will come to know the technical structure which governs the realization of notifications and notices in order to catch its operational aspects, limits and chances of improvement (National Centre for Innovation in Public Administration).

Course entry requirements

The student must have basic knowledge in looking it up in public portals offering services typical of Public Administration, especially the local one (Municipalities). The Students in Environmental Engineering will also carry out a thorough analysis of some instruments.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 50
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 10
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Project work (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0

Suggested reading materials

The student will receive the duplicated notes of the lectures at the beginning of the course. Moreover, a bibliography about the publications relevant to each section of the program will be available, in case the student wants to study the section in depth.

A cura di Enrico Carloni. Codice dell. Maggioli editore, San Marino. La prima edizione .

Marasso Lanfranco. Manuale dell. Maggioli editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) 2005. Good text to study the general topics of the course, particularly the first section. .

Marianna Quaranta, a cura di, AAVV. Il Codice della Pubblica Amministrazione Digitale, commento ragionato al Decreto Legislativo 7 marzo 2005, n. 82. Liguori Editore, Napoli 2006. Second text for legal section..

Fuggetta Alfonso. L. Pearson education, Paravia Mondatori, Milano 2006. General introduction to the course subject..

Di Stefano Giovanni. Project Management. Strumenti e modelli per la gestione dei progetti. Sperling & Kupfer Editori, Milano 2007. It is the main point of reference..

Amato Rocco, Chiappi Roberto. Tecniche di Project Management. Pianificazione e controllo dei progetti. Franco Angeli, Milano 2004. Text used for the project management section.

Bianco Lucio, Caramia Alessandro. Metodi quantitativi per il Project Mangement. Hoepli, Milano 2006. Progressive analysis for the project management section.

Damiani Mario, Lo Valvo Per Paolo, Pittone Ignazio. Le dimensioni del Project Management. Il Sole 24 ORE, Milano 2004. Progressive analysis for the project management section.

Lazzi Gabriele, Contributo al libro . Reingegnerizzazione dei processi,. The article can be easily found on the Internet. Base text for the process analysis section..

Giuseppe Iacono, Valentina Carnevale, a cura di, AA VV. Processi, competenze, innovazione. Le chiavi per il miglioramento delle organizzazioni. Franco Angeli, milano 2007. General approach to problems about the organizational and process analysis..

AA VV. Organizzare e gestire progetti. Competenze per il project management. Etas Libri, Milano 2004. Text used for the project management section.

Testing and exams

Students are requested to interact during classes and their learning process is informally but constantly tested. They are also requested in advance to develop a topic of the course, so that they can discuss it in class. This can prove students’ preparation to the subject under discussion. An oral test is foreseen at the end of the course, an interview on all the topics treated, so that the student can autonomously assess his/her preparation and the relevant final exam mark.

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