Alessandro Bosisio

scheda personale

Alessandro Bosisio

Ruolo Ricercatore universitario altro dipartimento
curriculum vitae
Settore ING-IND/33

Recapiti / Indirizzi

Sede Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione
Ufficio Building 29 - Floor G
Tel. 0382985480


Ambiti I am involved in several industrial projects in collaboration with DSOs, TSOs, and energy service companies. My main interests include distribution networks operation and planning, electric power system optimization, operation of renewables in MV/LV distribution networks and smart grids, machine learning applied to power system.
Afferenza Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione
Ric.Stud. Su appuntamento inviando un'email a:

Didattica a.a. 2023/24

Corsi Planning and operation of power systems
Systems and technologies for the smart grid

Didattica a.a. 2022/23

Corsi Planning and operation of power systems

Comunic. agli studenti
non presenti
Progetti e Tesi
Master theses and internships available Several master theses are available with potential internships in the following companies: •A2A/Unareti: Planning and operation of distribution networks •Maire Tecnimont: Design of industrial electrical systems •Terna: Planning and operation of transmission networks •RSE: Machine learning applied to the power system •Siemens: Systems and technologies for the power system •EDP Renewables: Integration of renewable energy sources and storage systems into the transmission network •Minsait: Digitalization of the power system •Ikos consulting: Digital twin solutions for power systems

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