pavia old bridge math bridge
Causal Inference: State-of-the-Art
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Monday – 16 March 2009
10.30:12.00 Registration  
12.00:12.15 Opening Session Philip Dawid
12.15:13.00 Causality: some introductory comments David Cox
13.00:14.00 Lunch
14.00:14.35 Causal interpretation of chain graphs Steffen Lauritzen
14.35:15.10 Is causal inference anything more than predictive inference for intervention alternatives? Sander Greenland
15.10:15.45 The road to clear causal inference in practice: conceptualizing assignment mechanisms and predicting missing potential outcomes Don Rubin
15.45:16.00 Tea break
16.00:16.35 Dormant independence for causal discovery Ilya Shpitser
16.35:17.10 Causal inference in genetic epidemiology Carlo Berzuini
17.10:17.45 Searching for causal variants in genetic and genomic epidemiology Chris Holmes
17.45:18.20 A principal stratification approach to assess the differences in prognosis between cancers caused by hormone replacement therapy and by other factors Arvid Sjolander
18.45:19:45 Reception at Doubletree by Hilton Cambridge


Tuesday – 17 March 2009
9.00:09.35 Addressing design effects in instrumental variables models using principal stratification Constantine Frangakis
09.35:10.10 Evaluation of potential mediators and surrogate outcomes in randomised trials of complex interventions Graham Dunn
10.10:10.45 On intervertions, replication and confounding Nanny Wermuth
10.45:11.05 Tea break
11.05:11.40 Trajectories in human development and attribution of cause Andrew Pickles
11.40:12.15 A bold vison of artificial intelligence and philosophy:
finding causal effects without background knowledge or statistical
James Robins
12.15:13.15 Lunch  
13.15:13.50 Instrumental variables methods, mendelian randomisation and interpretation of causal parameters Vanessa Didelez
13.50:14.25 A comparison of instrumental variable estimators for the causal effect of an exposure on a dichotomous outcome Els Goetghebeur
14.25:15.00 The Markov structure resulting from DAGs with latent variables under pseudo-interventions Thomas Richardson
15.00:15.35 Heterogeneity and causality Paul Rosenbaum
15.35:15.55 Tea break  
15.55:16.30 Beware of the DAG! Philip Dawid
16.30:17.05 Inference of dynamical equations from equilibrium states Peter Spirtes
17.05:18.15 Panel discussion

Elja Arjas (Chairman)
Odd Aalen
David Clayton
Richard Emsley
Antonio Forcina
Arvid Sjolander

20.00 Social Dinner at Doubletree by Hilton Cambridge  


Wednesday – 18 March 2009
09.00:09.35 Supplementary variables for causal estimation Roland Ramsahai
09.35:10.10 How to estimate the effects of hypothetical interventions, if we only had the data Miguel Hernán
10.10:10.45 Assessing the effect of blinding in a trial with open and blind arms Krista Fischer
10.45:11.05 Tea break
11.05:11.40 When is causal inference useful in clinical trials? Ian White
11.40:12.15 Reflections on Causality and Causal Inference Damien Fennell
12.15:12.30 Closing session

Carlo Berzuini
Luisa Bernardinelli