Giancarlo Reali
Course name: Physics 2
Course code: 502126
Degree course: Ingegneria Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria Informatica
Disciplinary field of science: FIS/01
L'insegnamento costituisce attività di base per: Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio, Ingegneria Informatica
University credits: CFU 9
Course website: http://www-3.unipv.it/fis/fisica2/fisica2-Elettronica-T elecom-Inform/index.html
Specific course objectives
The aim of the course is to give the basic notions of electromagnetism and optics, and provide theoretical and practical background for helping problem solving
Course programme
Electrostatics and stationary currents
Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Electromagnetic waves and optics
Electric and magnetic fields in matter
Course entry requirements
Fisica 1, Mathematical Analysis, and Linear Algebra and Geometry should have been given. Very important is a working knowledge of the notions of vector algebra and calculus (grad, div, rot, vectorial identities, and Gauss and Stokes theorems)
Course structure and teaching
Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 59
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 17
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Suggested reading materials
A textbook title is provided as a comprehensive reference, where all topics are dealt with systematically. Note that the course will not follow necessarily the same sequence of the textbook. Finally, there are lots of physics textbooks covering the same material but with different, and sometimes complementary, presentation from that of the textbook. All of them could work equally well
P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci. Fisica, Volume II, 2a edizione. EdSES.
Testing and exams
The exam will be in two parts: one written plus an oral completion. Rules and dates for the written tests are provided in the webpage of the course