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Architectural composition 3

2011-12 Academic year

Lecturer: Ioanni Delsante   Stefano Pugni  

Course name: Architectural composition 3
Course code: 500905
Degree course: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/14
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
University credits: CFU 12
Course website: http://www-3.unipv.it/lcp/comp3/home.htm

Specific course objectives

Architectural rules, derived from the discipline’s statute, have to been updated to correspond to changed life and people’s relationships conditions. It is evident the loss of importance for urban collective areas, the increasing role of big multifunctional boxes like commercial malls, the weakening of closeness values and social solidarity. The architectural discipline must take into consideration these huge changes that affect very much the design activity. It should take into consideration the comparison with material reality and the need of working on the architectural program. It must be affirmed the belonging of new urban settlements and regeneration processes to Architecture’s field, and the possibility to generate new spatial features and new settlement organization.

Course programme

The course is organized with ex-catedra lessons, exercitations and the developing of a project within the design Laboratory. The project theme deals with urban and functional renewal of an existing productive site in the external ring of Pavia town, with the task of understanding the fundamental guidelines of the existing and to organize the future development. Taking into consideration the very actual difficult condition of the dense or compact city, and the chances given by the net and the immaterial connections, it is understandable the people need to live in small housing settlements surrounding the already existing built areas, where the direct relationship with the countryside is more understandable. The most recent urban extensions has very often disfigured the landscape and the territory, because they have been realized with intrusive addictions and disfiguring the already difficult local conditions. The course and the design Laboratory has the ambition to express rules and settlement models to organize collective architectures and architectural buildings able to improve the landscape features: the aim of the course is to renew an existing industrial site working on the program to find out new innovative spaces for production, focusing on the relationship with nature and landscape, looking for new architectural links between housing, working areas and leisure. The design Laboratory will provide for a continuous review of projects and the concept phase will be compulsory done by free-hand drawings. Students will work in multi national groups of three- four persons.

Course entry requirements

The course will provide advanced features in architectural and urban composition, with theory references and their practical realizations through case studies, examples, on site visits and travels. For italian students it is required the knowledge of the basic features of architectural design and architectural history provided in the courses of Teoria e Tecniche della progettazione Architettonica, Architettura e Composizione Architettonica 1, Architettura e Composizione Architettonica 2, Storia dell'Architettura 1, Storia dell'Architettura 2. Chinese and Erasmus students will be provided of some text books and useful references if necessary.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60

Suggested reading materials

The bibliography is necessary to follow the course programme and the lessons. It is required also to read the following architectural reviews: L’Arca, Area, Time+Architecture. More bibliography references will be given by the teachers during the course with reference to specific topics.

Andrew Ballantine (edited by). Architecture Theory. A reader in Philosophy and Culture. Continuum, London, 2005.

Angelo Bugatti, Zheng Shiling. Changing Shanghai. From Expo’s after use to new green towns. Officina Edizioni, Roma, 2011.

Ioanni Delsante. Experimental architecture in Shanghai. Officina Edizioni, Roma, 2011.

Aurora Fernandez Per, Javier Mozas, Javier Arpa. This is Hybrid. a+t, 2011.

Aa.Vv.. Contemporary architecture in the historical city. Six proposals for rethinking hospital excellences in Pavia. Maggioli Editore, 2011.

Aldo Rossi. The architecture of the city. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1982.

Angelo Bugatti. Underground design. Maggioli Editore, 2010.

Testing and exams

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