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Watershed Hydraulic Management

2014-15 Academic year

Lecturer: Fulvio Bollini  

Course name: Watershed Hydraulic Management
Course code: 502567
Degree course: Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/02
University credits: ECTS 6
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

Watershed Hydraulic Managemen gives the basic elements for land protection, conservation and reclamation, and for a correct, environmental friendly land utilization.

Course programme

Lectures (36 hours)

    • Water in the soil (7 hours). Soil physical and mechanical characteristics . Occurrence, nature and movement of water in soil: moisture, capillarity, infiltration, percolation, ground water flow. Hydraulics of wells .

    • Land and soil drainage (6 hours) The effects of water excess on surface and in soil profile. Ground water drainage: horizontal pipes system, deep wells system: criteria and methods for planning and design. Subsurface and surface drainage systems.

    • Land reclamation (9 hours.) The problem and the proposed solutions during the centuries. Estimation of design discharge for the channel network: statistical analysis of measured discharges, rainfall-discharge relationships and models. The drainage network: hydraulic design of stable channel section, and associated structures. Pumps ad pumping stations. Peak discharge reduction through storage

    • Soil erosion (5 hours). Physical processes, space and time scaling of the phenomenon. Modeling the erosion: the universal soil loss equation (U.S.L.E.), physically based models. Prevention and remediation: control methods and strategies.

    • Mountain basin training and restoration (9 hours). Physical processes in natural channels (sediment transport, erosion, deposition) and on the slopes (surface erosion and mass movement). Criteria for the control of grading/degrading in the stream network and for the control of bank erosion: design of sills for bed fixation, revetments of bed and banks, sills and storage area for sediment control in alluvional fans. Monitoring and restoration of slopes: surface runoff control, deep and subsurface drainage for control and prevention of landslips and landslides, recovering of the green and wood cover.

Laboratories (18 hours)

    • Lab. n. 1 (5 hours). Design of vertical groundwater drainage system: number and position of wells, pumps discharge and power. Design of horizontal groundwater drainage system: layout of the draining module, pipes spacing, diameter of drains and collector.

    • Lab. n. 2 (5 hours). Design of the main channel of a reclamation network: computation of the critical design discharge, sizing of a stable channel section.

    • Lab. n. 3 (4 hours). Design of a peak discharge reduction reservoir.

    • Lab. n. 4 (4 hours). Hydraulic and structural design of a sills system for bed fixation.

Course entry requirements

The arguments in the course programme of Hydrology and Hydraulics

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 30
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 22
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0

Suggested reading materials

The transparencies and slides used for the lessons and the notes relevant to lectures and laboratories can be found in internet and downloaded from the site of the course.

AA.VV. Drainage Principles and Applications . Edited by ILRI, Wageningen, The Netherland, 1983. . Titolo del riferimento da modificare.

Testing and exams

The exam is composed, in principle, of a written and an oral test on the subjects of the course. However, if the written test is passed, the student can make use (in the same scheduled exam) of that result, avoiding the oral test. In this case, however, the mark can not be higher than 27/30, even if the corresponding written test mark is higher.

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