FACOLTA' DI INGEGNERIAUniversita' di Pavia
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Gestione e automazione dei sistemi elettrici

2014-15 Academic year

Lecturer: Mario Montagna  

Course name: Gestione e automazione dei sistemi elettrici
Course code: 504699
Degree course: Ingegneria Elettrica
Disciplinary field of science: ING-IND/33
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Elettrica
University credits: ECTS 6
Course website: n.d.

Specific course objectives

Completion of concepts learned in the course of Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, with particular reference to the control systems needed in production, transmission and distribution of electricity, the supervision and control of the electrical system and the regulation of frequency and voltage.

Course programme

1. SCADA Systems
Supervisory and management control systems for electrical installations General considerations on control centers, configurations of computer systems. The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for the generation and transmission of electricity.

2. State estimation
Background of the state estimation problem for the electrical system; bad data suppression. Operating states of the system and safety analysis. Preventive control and corrective control of an electrical system.

3. Power system stability
Behavior of the power system in transient conditions. Stability of the system to small and large variations. Study of the transint stability regime by use of the equal area criterion. Transient analysis by integration of the multi-machine model of an electrical system.

4. Frequency and voltage regulation
Control of the load and frequency in the system; frequency regulation requirements; primary and secondary frequency control. Definition of the area control error (ACE) and its management in large interconnected systems. Voltage regulation and reactive power. Model of the excitation system of a generator.

Course entry requirements

Knowledge provided by the courses for the achievement of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering degree.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 38
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 6
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0

Suggested reading materials

Testing and exams

The examination consists of a written test and an oral test on the course topics

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