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Architettura e composizione architettonica 3

2009-10 Academic year

Lecturer: Carlo Berizzi   Ioanni Delsante   Massimiliano Koch  

Course name: Architettura e composizione architettonica 3
Course code: 500886
Degree course: Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
Disciplinary field of science: ICAR/14
University credits: CFU 12
Course website: http://www.unipv.it/lcp/forum

Specific course objectives

The course aims to give students the necessary knowledge to face an architectural and landscape plan of urban growth and regeneration, both on theoretical plane and on practical one.

Course programme

Formative activity contains a series of lessons, practises and a planning laboratory. During theoretical lessons, organized in two modules A and B, the most significant studies and projects in architectural and urban planning are explained and analysed; starting from planning theories exposition, present debate’s themes, connected to morphological innovation and to urban space’s control, are deepened. Inside the course, current and past examples better expressing the research in architectural and urban composition are proposed as reference. The syllabus also consists of meetings with Italian and foreign guests engaged in contemporary debate about architecture, and of educational visits to some of the most important architectural contemporary works. Plans are developed by students, concerning urban and landscape’s reconfiguration through the morphological lecture of the site to whom the working area belongs, the individuation of primary element and settling rules connoting the area, the study of relationships insisting on landscape and territory, in order to arrive to the architectural and composition plan founded on technical and technological bases. The most significant elements will be deepened paying special attention to products typological definition and their linguistic coherence. Hereinafter are individuated the general arguments concerning morphological and urban plan that will be deepened during the course.

Residential type and urban project
Starting from modern movement’s theoretical thoughts, the costume to rely on residential types for urban areas’ plan characterized some twentieth century schools, especially in central Europe’s area, like in Germany, Switzerland and Holland where typological research is strongly connected to urban plan. Past projects and theories analysis, and contemporary most significant plans study will show the morphological meaning and the possible relationships with the open space that Types use for an urban plan can induce.

City and nature, city and landscape
Different relation between built and nature configures different urban arrangements answering to different requirements and theoretical models. From nineteenth century’s garden cities to present spread city, this relation has always been renewed till the inclusion of the present environmental themes. With this approach contrasts the urban plan consistent with landscape, where place’s specific features represent the plan’s starting point. The deepening will be performed through the lecture of the main contemporary planning experiences concerning the green city.

Compact city’s architecture
If compact city was a well established fact for nineteenth century’s urban plan, today only some cultural veins carry on the planning theory based on city’s traditional figures like the block, the streets or the squares. This approach updates living forms based on cultural identity and allows the accordance to the historical city. Present Anglo-Saxon and German theories are deepened.

The plan city and the establishment city
Establishment cities have always answered to specific plans based on morphological reports, on layouts and on the infrastructural system. Contemporary living complexity led to define new models for the new city.

Urban architecture and context
Relationship between project and context characterized European school, and especially the Italian one, in the second half of twentieth century, starting from an analytical approach to existing conditions in order to establish plans on collective identity and memory, according to existent. The course introduces the methods for the urban analysis of well-established contexts, and shows planning results of such theories’ application. The idea to work on the urban plan through the densification, common to some utopian views of constructivism and futurism in the first part of twentieth century, became one of the possible solutions to the theme of urbanized territory’s wild spreading. Starting from the century’s beginning theories till the super-study’ plans and Koolhaas’ studies on New York City, at the end of twentieth century a congestion’s culture has been defined where, according to some schools of thought and relating to strongly human modified global contexts, density and big scaled plans appear as possible new city’s scene. Themes connected to metropolitan cities and high density actions in urban contexts are deepened.

Plan and restoration of disused areas and public spaces
The necessity to work, in post-industrial age, on large disused productive areas inserted in urbanized contexts, led to formalize a new planning approach to urban planning theme. The presence of infrastructures, well-established relationships, services led to planning solutions strongly connoted by pre-existing conditions, that marked architectural debate in Europe in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Through the reading of projects that were submitted for the most significant European planning competition, possible planning approaches to disused areas restoration theme

Course entry requirements

Knowledge resulting from courses of Architecture and Architectural Composition 2, Architecture’s History, Technical Architecture 2, Building Science.

Course structure and teaching

Lectures (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Practical class (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60
Practicals / Workshops (hours/year in lecture theatre): 0
Project work (hours/year in lecture theatre): 60

Suggested reading materials

K. Frampton. Tettonica e architettura. Skira, Milano, 2007.

M. Romano. Costruire le città. Skira, Milano, 2004 .

A. Rossi. L’Architettura della Città. CLUP Milano, 1978.

R. Venturi. Complessità e contraddizioni nell'architettura. Dedalo, Bari, 2002.

A. Bugatti, Zheng Shiling. Expo 2010 Shanghai. Landscape renewal. Clup, Milano, 2006.

A. Bugatti . Paesaggio. IUSS Press, Pavia,2003.

A. Bugatti, C. Berizzi, A. Maggioni. Torri residenziali. Modelli di abitazioni, modelli di paesaggi. Edizioni Unicopli, Milano, 2005.

AA. VV.. Idee universitarie per San Genesio. Ipotesi urbanistiche e architettoniche degli studenti di Ingegneria Edile e Architettura. Edizioni TCP, Pavia, 2009.

Testing and exams

The texamination will consist of the project’s discussion, of the control of individual trainings good execution and of the prove of knowledge of lessons and orientation and reference bibliography contents.

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