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Quella che pubblichiamo in questa pagina è la presentazione dell'Università Islamica di Omdurman, così come esposta in un opuscolo pubblicato dall'Università stessa. Il documento non riporta alcuna data o elemento utile alla sua datazione e attribuzione. Si tratta, comunque, della traduzione ufficiale di un prospetto redatto dal Planning and Information Office dell'Università, stampato probabilmente nel 1975. Copia del documento è conservata presso la biblioteca della Curia Generalizia dei Missionari Comboniani di Roma, miscellanea Sudan, cartella educazione.


Objectives of the University  
Structures of the University  
Faculty of Islamic Studies  
  Dpt.  of Guidance and Islamic education
  Dpt. Personal Laws
  Dpt. Of Islamic Thought and Mission
Faculty of Social Sciences  
  Dpt. of Islamic Law and Legal Studies
  Dpt. of Economics and Political Science
  Dpt. of Administrative Sciences
  Dpt. of Social and Philosophical Studies
Faculty of Arts  
  Dpt. of Arabic Language and Literature
  Dpt. of History and Islamic Civilization
  Dpt. of Journalism and Information
  Dpt. of Documentation and Libraries
Girls's College  
Conditions for the admission to the University  
Non Sudanese students  
Conditions for admission to faculties  
  Faculty of Islamic Studies
  Faculty of Social Studies
  Faculty of Arts
  Islamic College for Girls
Services offered by the University to students  
  Accomodation [sic]
  Student Financial Aid
  Health Service
  Sports activities
  The University Library
The Project of the University Building  

The Omdurman Islamic University

This university had its roots in the religious institute of Omdurman which was founded in the year  1912 to propagate Islam, to disseminate Islamic teachings, to preserve Islamic creed and to guard the heritage of our country, in addition to its greater message, which crystalised in spreading the Arabic tradition and language in Africa and deepening the doctrines of that heritage. Since then this institution took upon itself to carry that message, in harmony with its strategic position that characterizes Sudan geographically. But it could not find the path paved easlier [sic] during the colonial administration which regarded this institution as a menace for its being a source of Islamic enlightenment for the people of the area. Hence, obstacles were put on its way and nothing was offered to help it grow and develop.
Despite those unfavourable circumstances, the institution continued to resist and carry its message, and on the whole helped to graduate a group of learned men, propagators, judges, men of letters and teachers of language in dissmenting [sic, disseminate?] the doctrines of Islam as well as establishing the fundamentals of Arabic language inside and outside the Sudan.
At the dawn of the national rule, the institution experienced a sense of release and went on the path of growth and development until it took the shape of university in 1965, and at last its new Act came into force in accordance with the Provisional Order of 1975 dated November 1, 1975. The Republican Resolution determines its message and functions according to the following:

Objectives of the University
1. The university shall develop the Sudanese identity and character on the basis of the study of Arabic and Islamic heritage and shall thereby enrich the Sudanese life by the characteristic spirit of Arabic and Islamic civilization and implement the characteristic of the civilization for the benefit of the Sudanese society.

2. The university shall teach its students in such a manner, to help them shoulder any responsibility concerning, Arabic language, religion, law and administration according to the role prescribed by the National council.

3. The university shall carry academic research and involve itself in the investigation and solutions of the social problems within the framework of the state policy and the Islamic spirit which caters for the needs of the society.

4. The university shall promote, within the programmes [sic] of the state, the movements for spreading and reviving the Islamic traditions in the African continent and shall cooperate with organizations with similar purposes.

Structures of the University

All the colleges and the departments of the university are estabilished on Islamic foundations and the true Islamic spirit and teachings, and work ro rectify the false concepts spread by the enemies of Islam. All that will be accomplished in a rigorous religious atmosphere and a solid basis clearly and consciously  open to contemporary cultures with the objective of comparing and demonstrating the virtues and positive merits of Islam and its ability to face the challenges of the age in the fields of thought, faith, legislation, law economics, politics, sociology, education, communication and administration, and all other challenges that face the Islamic society today. In all this, the university aims at creating a cadre of youths with a right sense of Islam, deeply believing in his religion, confident of himself, fully related to his land, respectful of his tradition, proud of his past and working for his civilization and future...
In fact, Islam is a comprehensive way of life that can face all the problems of humanity and can suggest the ways and means for solving them. It encourages intellectual pursuits, respects freedom of thought, lays the solid foundation for justice, equality, freedom of the individual and society so that the people may achieve temporal and spiritual welfare.
It is a register of culture and civilization, comprising manners and ethics and a reservoir of ideals and values implementing all the afore mentioned principles and functions, the university has established four Faculties which are as follows:

1) Faculty of Islamic Studies

It consists of the following departments

(A) Department of guidance and Islamic education
It aims at preparing scholars specializing in creed and the branches of Sharia so that they may carry the message of Islam and teach Islamic subjects and spread the true religious education among pupils and students in different stages and general education. It also prepares distinguished students for the pursuit of higher education so that they may become the members of the staff of different universities, and hence take part in spreading and developing Islamic thought in its different fields.

(B) Personal laws department
This is based on legislation concerning the Islamic Personal Laws with comparative study in addition to other Islamic studies. It qualifies its graduates to work in the field of administration of Justice.

(C) Department of Islamic thought and mission
This Department prepares students to carry the Islamic mission in a highly scientific and technical standard that may enable them to face the opposing intellectual and ideological challanges of Islam. It also aims to equipping its students with the modern ways and means of arguments and pursuation and with an objective methodology fo spread Islam.

(2) Faculty of Social Sciences
This faculty includes:

(A) Department of Islamic law and legal studies
This department equips its students with a number of temporal laws for the papers of the comparative study of sharia that may enable them to have a broader view of Islamic law and the application of Sharia. This may lead ultimately to the unification of laws on the basis of Sharia as in the case of man [y?] Islamic countries. The Department also qualifies its students to join the bar.

(B) Department of economic and political science
Islam gives equal weight to the spiritual and material aspects of life since it is an [?] maintains equilibrium of the both between both sides.
For this reason, the Islamic university of Omdurman has taken upon itself the task of satisfaying the spiritual aspects of the students by offering wide range of religious studies that reveal the mystries of the Sharia and the Divine laws ordained for the benefit of humanity. It also aims at students becoming aware of Islam's concern with the material aspects of life in a way that brings wellbeing and happiness to the individual and society. In the study of the material aspect of life, the university has decided not to confine itself merely to the Islamic viewpoint but also to take into consideration other intellectual trends which are adopted occured in the East and the West so that the students may be able to discriminate between what is right and what is wrong in these trends. For this purpose, the Department of Economics and political Science has been estabilished to qualify students in this field. These students have combined pure Islamic culture and modern economic system and thus are able to develop Islamic thought and defend objectively and logically the Islamic Economic system. So, this Department will not be a duplication of the traditional departments of economics in the universities but will bear a special distinguishing Islamic character.
Its aim will be a deep study of Islamic Economic system in comparison with other contemporary economic systems.
The Department of Political Science is basically concerned with Islamic political system and an analysis of the principles of politics and government in the light of the Quran and Sunna. The students of this Department study the different political theories and systems like students of other universities beside their Islamic political studies.
It is no doubt that politics and economics play a vital role in human life regarding individual and society. The university aims at producing Islamic elements in the society that play a vital role in the various field of the development and progress of the country.

(C) Department of administrative sciences
This Department aims at qualifying students specializing in Business Administration and Public Administration in a new manner which is largely dictated by Islam so that graduates are properly equipped for honest competition and concientious [sic] direction and supervision of corporations and factories that may help in the provisions of enlightened leadership founded on knowledge and Islamic morality.

(D) Department of social and philosophical studies
This Department aims at acquianting students of Islamic culture with the Preoccupations of human sociology and its religious, moral, political, economic and educational aspects and so on. Studies in this Department are largely devoted to the classification of Islamic systems and concepts with a comparative study of other systems and revelaing its superiority, and it's better realization of the requirements for positive achievements.
This Department qualifies its graduates for service in the fields of social work and social guidance and in schools, educational institutes, public hospitals, factories, sporting clubs etc. In this manner it helps in the solution of social problems of the individuals and workers in the fields as well as the families that are confronted with social and economic problems. All this is accomplished within a framework of scientific study of the present situations and circumstances.
The philosophical studies in this Department are largely concerned with revealing the bright aspects of the Islamic Philosophy and the originality of Islamic thought in the light of ancient and modern philosophical systems and theories.

(3) Faculty of Arts
Department of Arabic Language and Literature
There is no doubt that language and literature are organically connected with Islam and without them it becomes difficult for the Muslims to have a proper understanding of Islam because it is in Arabic that the Holy Quran was revealed and the Sunna was formulated.
When Islam was spreading the Truth on earth the Arabic language was its means and media. It superseded the languages of the nations that Islam embraced, and Muslims in different parts of the world with different tongues had to learn Arabic and study its literature in order to gain a better understanding of the spirit of Islam.
The Department of Arabic language and literature aims at achieving these ends. It also aims at encouraging study of and research in Arabic Islamic culture and classifying the qualities of this culture and the positive human traditions contained in the message of Islam.
It instils the spirit of the Islamic traditions  in its students so that they are able to lay the basis of Islamic renaissance on scientific basis and deeprooted knowledge.

(B) Department of history and Islamic civilization
This Department is concerned with  the  study of ancient and modern history in general but it gives special concern to the study of Islamic History and civilization in different ages ie from the the dawn of Islam to the present time and reveals the bright aspects of Arabic civilization.
The Arab Muslim scholars translated the ancient Greek thought into Arabic and were pioneers in the fields of medicine, chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics and sociology, and added new rich strains and dimensions to human thought that the modern civilization made the best use of. The Arabic thought that was translated by the Western scholars was the solid basis on which the modern civilization and the modern theories, that developed science, were based on.
The Department is also greatly concerned with the study of the conditions of the Arabic and Islamic people in the different ages and their political, economic, cultural and social aspects. The Department aims by these studies at inculcating a sense of pride and honour about the rich heritage of the Arabic and Islamic nation in the students of the university in general and the graduates of this Department in particular. So, they may spread awareness of Islamic history and civilization in youths by throwing light on the grandeur of Arabic and Islamic nation and showing the rare examples of sacrifice, heroism and qualities of strength that have prevailed since the days of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S.) and the rightly Guided Caliphs and especially during the Abbasite period and the Arab rule in the Andalus.
The Department is also concerned with the history of the colonialism in the Arabic and Islamic lands and its viciousness persecution and corruption of faith and conscience especially in the African countries.
Thus the Black History of colonialism is always present before the present and future generations of the Arabic and Islamic nation after this nation has gained its independence and freedom so that the nation is cautious not to fall again in the trap of the Old colonialism in its frankly ugly aspect or the new masked colonialism that aims at stealthy infililtration [sic ] and thus gaining economic and cultural power over newly-liberated countries walking the path of economic and social progress.

(C) Department of Journalism and information
Means of communication have an immense role at the present time in recreation, direction, enlightenment, formation of public opinion expressing the attitudes of people and their demands, and tackling of national and international problems. Again the manner these means are conducted in contacting the people has a marked influence on public welfare, morals, international relations and world peace. For this reason all modern countries and the international organization the United Nations lay great emphasis on the means of information so that it can carry effectively its message on the national and international fields and in a way that provides a sense of peace and security among all people and preserve good relations among nations.
The Department of Journalism and information in the Omdurman Islamic University is the first of its kind in the Sudan and third in the Arab World after the department of Journalism in the Cairo University and its counterpart in Baghdad.
The establishment of this Department is called for by the necessity of developing Journalism, news agencies, mass media in general, public relations and advertisement in the Sudan and raising the cultural, technical and professional standards of the workers in this field.
The students are provided with Islamic culture and guided by a true and pure religious spirit so that they carry on their sublime social message in the field of information. The guidance and direction of public opinion and preserve the moral and social values of their society and the good Arabic and Islamic tradition and stands solidly against enthusiasm and moral social corruption which are spreading in the non Muslim societies and which are the products of the materialist Western civilization and submissive ideologies and the contact with and the uncritical imitation of these societies.
The Department aims at acquainting its students with the ethics of the profession of Journalism so that this profession is always in the service of society, country and international peace according to the journalistic code of honour [sic] prescribed by the Freedom of Information committee affliated [sic] to the committee of Human Rights in the United Nations, so that the profession of journalism is not used for personal profits of illegal fortune - making at the dear cost of forfeiting resonable [sic] moral and social standards in disturbing peaceful relation among nations, thus paving the way for war.
The establishment of the Department was also a result of the recommendation of Arab and International conferences that emphasize the need for providing a high, cultural, technical and moral qualifications for those working in the field of journalism and other mass media so that they can carry efficiently and effectively their social, national and humanistic message.

(D) Department of documentation and libraries
The library plays a vital role in the field of education and culture for all segments of society. The official documentation centres [sic] also offer a great service to researchers and historians.
Librarianship has become an independent science with its rules and styles and it is taught in the great universities of the world. Hence the Islamic university of Omdurman has given this new science a spcial attention and established a special department for it - the Department of Documentation and librarianship - to be in service of the Sudanese library. The Department qualifies specialists in the management of national, public and specialized libraries according to the modern library rules. It also qualifies specialists in management of national and historical documentation centres in a manner that make them useful and of easy access to researchers.
The Department also aims at developing the Arabic and Islamic library until it reaches the standard of the public library in the developed countries.
It is important to note that the specialists in this Department of the university are qualified in Islamic culture and regard it their primary mission to guard and disseminate it. It is also significant to learn that this Department is the second of its kind in the Arab countries being preceeded  [sic] by the Department of Documentation and libraries in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Cairo.

(4) Girl's College
This is the first university college of its kind in the Sudan. It was founded to cater for the needs of the Sudanese Society and to graduate a generation of girls of highly Islamic culture and who have received a high degree of modern culture indispensable to the modern woman who is to play a leading role in the Islamic societies and the Islamic families in a way that guarantee the bringing up of good youth of both sexes and wards off the corruption resulting from the foreign inlelluctual [sic] currents disagreeing with the Righteous Religion.
The college consists of the following Departments.
1. Department of Islamic studies
2. Department of Arabic language and literature
3. Department of social service
4. Department of Education and home Economics
5. Department of journalism
6. Department of libraries
The first two departments are similar to the department of sharia and law in the Faculty of Islamic studies, and the Department of Arabic language and literature in the Faculty of Arts, previously described.
The third department - the Department of social service - is similar, too, to the department of Social studies in the faculty of Arts but aims essentially to graduate Muslim girls specialized in the field of social service, childhood and old age care and generally the solution of family and social problems. The Department is concerned with practical as well as theoretical study.
The fourth department - Department of Home Economics - aims at  graduating the Muslim Girl that would be the future good housewife who can give good care to her family - and consequently to society - good happiness. The other two departments are similar to their counterparts in the Faculty of Arts, previously decribed.

Conditions for Admission to the University
1) The applicant to the Islamic University of Omdurman should have this University as his first or at least second choice.
2) Considerable attention will be given to all reports about student.
3) The University also interviews each applicant, before completing the final requirements for admission, to ensure the student's aptitude and capability for study in it.
4) In general the applicant must meet one of the following conditions:

a) The applicant must have the Sudanese Certificate or its equivalent, with an average of credit in five subjects taken in the same year. Islamic religion and Arabic Language should be among these subjects. The applicant should also have at least a pass in the required European Language (English or French).
b) If the applicant is a graduate of the Omdurman High Secondary Religion Institute, he must have the Ahlia High Secondary Certificate with an average of at least 50%.
c) If the applicant is one of those who has committed the Quran at his memory, he must have a pass in either one of the above mentioned Certificates as well as a pass in the examination of the memory of the Quran.

Non Sudanese students
A non Sudanese student wishing to join the Islamic University of Omdurman must fulfil one of the following conditions:

(a) Having one of the Certificates mentioned in 4 - (a) or its equivalent subject to the condition that is evaluated by the joint admission committee.
(b) Having one of the Certificate mentioned in 4 - (b) condition that certificates are evaluated by a Committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.
(c) If the applicant in one of those having committed the Quran to his memory, he must have at least a pass in one of the certificate mentioned in 4-(c) or its equivalent as well as a pass in the examination of the memory of the Quran.

Non Sudanese students joining the University should have a scholarship from:
1) The applicant's Government.
2) Sudan Government.
3) Islamic University of Omdurman.
4) Any other foundation.

Conditions for admissions to faculties
1. Faculty of Islamic Studies
Admission to this faculty depends on passing the following competition:
1) Subject of competition in the Higher Secondary Certificate
a) Islamic Education
b) Arabic Language
c) The European language - Elementary or Additional Mathematics Geography - History
2. Subject of competition in the Ahlia Certificate:
a) Commentary of the Quran or Hadith
b) Islamic Law of Islamic Creed
c) Arabic Grammar or Rethorics
3. Subjects of competition in the Technical Certificate
a) Islamic Education
b) Arabic Language
c) Elementary or Additional Mathematics. The European Language

2. Faculty of Social Studies
Admission to this faculty depends on passing the following competition:
1) Subject of competition:
a) Islamic Education
b) Arabic Language
c) Elementary or Additional Mathematics, the European Language
2. Subjects of competition in the Ahlia Certificate
a) Commentary or the Arabic Language (Grammar Etymology)
b) Monotheism or Islamic Law
c) Elementary Mathematics or History
3. Subjects of competition in the High Technical Certificate
a) Islamic Education
b) Arabic Language
c) Elementary Mathematics - Economics or Commerce. The European Language

3. Faculty of Arts
1. Subjects of competition in the High Secondary Certificate
a) Arabic Language
b) Geography or History
c) Islamic Education - The European Language - Elementary Mathematics.
2. Subjects of competition in the Ahlia Certificate
a) Arabic Grammar or Rethoric
b) Commentary or Montheism
c) Literature or History
3. Subjects of competition in the High Technical Certificate
a) Islamic Education
b) Arabic Language
c) Elementary Science - Elementary Mathematics, History.

4. Islamic College for Girls
Admission to this college depends on passing the competition in the following subjects:
a) Islamic Education
b) Arabic Language
c) English Language
Geography or one of the following subjects of the female Technical Certificate
Costumes and Technological
Artistic Design of clothes
Costume Design

Service offered by the University to students
The Omdurman Islamic University takes care of the social, educational, health, and sports affairs of the students on scientific basis and applying the recent theories appropriate to their society and making use of local and external experience subjecting each experience to a careful study in order to remove what is negative and preserve the positive. The University pays special care to Muslim students from Arab, African, Asian, European and American countries in order to alleviate the feeling of homesickness.
It also arranges for them orientation programms that acquaint them with the Sudanese Societies and give them the idea of the development the country is undergoing. The student's affairs, welfare and training is supervised by a member of the staff of the university appointed by the Dean of students whose primary task is to provide students with all the possible means of comfort that enable them to pursue their studies with ease and care.

1. Accomodation
In order to provide the proper atmosphere for study the university rents for its students proper houses and provide transportation from the house to the university and vice versa...
It spends much money and exerts great effort to provide comfort for the Students. It takes special account of the hygienic and social aspects of housing providing each house with the furniture the students need.
Women students receive no less attention if not more. The university accomodates all regular women students in one housing compound (hostels) supervised by resident female supervisors whose primary task is to provide comfort and care for the students and the necessary atmosphere for study. The university also provide these hostels with necessary furniture, means of recreation and a special library.
The women student's hostels are distinguished from the men student's houses by its position of free food in all meals.
Student financial aid
The university grants its students a monthly financial aid. The Sudanese student receives twenty pounds monthly, the non - Sudanese twenty two pounds. Two woman student does not receive financial aid but the university provides for all her needs though some women students receive financial aid to help them meet individual needs.
Health service
The University has a developed health unit supervised by a specialist doctor, a medical assistant, orderlies and nurses.  The unit provides free health care and medical needs. Student's medical care is not restricted to this unit but the unit makes it possible for the student to make use of all the medical services suitable in the country.
Sport activities
Sports activities form an organic part of the university curriculum. Hence they are given special care by the university and great effort is made to establish sports relations between the university and all the people and organisations [sic] concerned with sports inside and outside the country. Sports delegations are sent to take part in sports festivals and conferences in Arab, Islamic, African and other countries. The university also organises [sic] internal competitions in all sorts of sports to discover the talented and the gifted sportsman that can represent the university in national and international competitions. Examples of sports activities practised currently in the university are:
Football, Basketball, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming, Racing and body building.
All these activities are conducted by male and female coaches supervised by the university staff members.

The University Library
The university is currently supplying its library with a great number of Arabic and foreign scholarly references in different specialization connected with studies in the university in addition to scholarly peridicals and encyclopedias. The university library contains at present 70000 volumes in different specialization. There is  also a special library for the Girl's college situated in an appropriate place in the buildings of the college and hostels so that women students may have a chance of using it in the evening as well as during class hours. This library contains at present about 2000 volumes in all branches of knowledge in Arabic and foreign language and will expand in the future. The libraries are classified according tot he modified numerical system. The university is making effort to establish a visual and auditory library as well as a language laboratory. It is also making effort to supply the library with recordings of the Holy Quran, lessons in European and African languages, lectures as well as educational films and microfilms. All these will be added to both the men's and women's student central libraries.
The library is currently being organised [sic] according to the most recent scientific and technical style under the supervision of an expert in librarianship of a high university standing.

The project of the university building
Maps of the University buildings were made by an international architect ten years ago but they have been re-evaluated and reorganised [sic] in accordance with the new circumstances of the university. The university administration has chosen a suitable site for a university city south of Omdurman by the Bank of the white Nile. This city contains the administration, faculties, library, sports compound, the hostels and staff quarters. A large area has been reserved for the eminent expansion of the university that will enable the university to carry on its sublime message.
The University is determined to make this project a reality which costs thirteen million pounds - huge sum that requires concentrated efforts between official and popular authority and the Arabic and Islamic people to make available. It is unfortunate that the problem of buildings should stand as an obstacle in realizing the university aims and effectiveness nationally and internationally. The details of the cost of the buildings which will be created with God's help, are as follows:

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