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"Whatever life you may choose to take, let me assure you that you were fortunate enough to have a chance of passing through this institution. Comboni College is renowned for its discipline character training and high attainments in the academic and vocational fields". When Mr. Ali Abdel Rahman made this statement on this year Speech Day all people present were deeply grateful and pleased; they all agreed that it was based on truth and justice. It has been alleged that the personalities of our Comboni boys are destroyed by the strictness of our discipline; that all the initiative which they had as children is regimented and suppressed by the clanging bell which ruthlessly marks out the hours and the rigidity of our method of instruction. There can be no freedom without discipline and duty. There can be no public weal or communal happiness without law. For what is true law but the direction which reason should take for the common good, and what is sound discipline but the training of the soul and body for the fullest development of the whole personality? There can be oppressive laws and unduly harsh discipline but can it be said that our Comboni boys are the slaves of oppression and obscurantist regulations? The vast majority of our Old Boys and educated people in Sudan praise our College as a School having the right blending in which discipline and freedom combine to produce courage, strength and joy. Discipline and freedom; these are indeed criteria for a sound and healthy life: but with these must be a background of Religion. Many of our students are Christians; to them the College founded by the Verona Fathers from Italy, symbolises the infusion of the true Christian spirit into their everyday lives. To all the other Students of various Religions, in our College there m also the daily awareness of the transcendence of GOD our Creator and Father. The aim of our education is clear: give our pupils to know and love God above all things and consequently be honest and loyal citizens. Many parents have repeatedly thanked us for it. Lastly one can easily feel how the soft fragrance of Our Lady's maternal care is permeating our incessant and hard work in educating such a large number of pupils. So it is that discipline, freedom and a lively faith are compounded in Comboni College life. |
of His Lordship Bishop A. Baroni delivered on the eve of our Silver Jubilee. We are now celebrating the 22th anniversary of this Comboni College. None of the people who taught or learnt here stayed on throughout all this period of time. Three Fathers, members of the Staff, died in their prime of life, victims of the climate and of their burdensome work. Some twenty pupils also ended their course on earth while yet pupils. And a good few others of both staff and pupils passed away in subsequent years. To them we wish eternal rest. Of all the other teachers some stayed here long and some only a few months and it would mean giving a long and tedious list, if I were to give you all their names. It was the Canadian Teaching Brothers with the unforgettable Bro. Oliver as their Director, who gave the start and set up a good tradition of efficient work and sound education. They were here from 1929 to 1935. Many Verona Fathers and lay teachers worked with them and after them: names that are not easily forgotten are Fr. R. Zanini, (who had left and has now returned to the college) Fr. Hector Pasetto, Fr. Charles Tupone, Fr. F. Sembiante, Fr. Paul, Fr. Toniolo Elias, Fr. C. Franceschin, Bro. Achille, Sheik Mohamed El Khatim Osman, Rifaat Eff. Mousaad and Henry Eff. Salama. As for the pupils, more than three thousand passed through some graduating and some just specializing for employment. Most of them proved good and became afterwards real assets to the country, to society and to their families... I feel sure that all both teachers and pupils, did find enjoyment at this college, not a great enjoyment, but just many little joys, which summed up made life pleasant, and even its recollection affords a true spiritual relish... It is, therefore, with sincere gratitude to God, that we meet here to-night to commemorate all that is past. I for one can certify that I always felt that God was near us and that it was He who helped this institution to grow: The first building went up in i929, the second in 1932, the third in 1948 and the forth in 1952... The pupils grew in number through the years: they were 49 in 1929, they are 800 now. The syllabus was gradually evolved to suit the circumstances and the needs, but the standard of learning was ever improved, never lowered. The fees also were increased, but not for economic interests, yet because of the rise in the cost of living and of teachers' salaries.... I would rather dwell here for a while on another debated point: We are often told that our system of education, and in particular our rigid discipline and constant invigilation of the boys embitter the spirit of youth, curtail their freedom and fail to cultivate in them a real sense of responsibility. Rigid discipline. I admit that the teacher should aim at making his pupils' life happy and comfortable. Emerson said, « A man should make life and nature happier to us, or he had better never been born ». But I must also point out that very often the idea that many people have of happiness is incorrect. Life would be much happier if it were taken more seriously, especially in youth. The best preparation for a joyful life is to be found in that strength of character, that love of sacrifice, that habit of self-control, which enable us bravely to endure seasons of sadness, or a life that is empty of joy and filled with misfortunes and privations. If a young man were granted all his wishes, all the possible freedom, and all the past-times available, he would be sorely disappointed and fatally discouraged in manhood at finding all sorts of evil pestering his days... We do not feel that we are boasting, when we say that the Comboni College successfully materialized its program by doing « Always more and always better! Both staff and pupils proved apt instruments for that. But we, of course, conclude as everyone has to conclude after fulfilling his duty: Servi inutiles sumus ». We are useless servants of Almighty God, to Whom every honour and glory!... Our aim in education has always been to seek joy in the path of duty, in the mountain air of faith, in the sunshine of love, in the healthy atmosphere of hard work and we claimed victory when our pupils, through a loving but severe discipline and a paternal constant invigilation, keep away from evil and form good habits. Goethe said it. and form good habits. Goethe said it: "Only do your duty, and joy will come itself". Whether the
well is big or small, |
The Celebration of the Silver
Jubilee The pictures of these pages speak for themselves. Since the early hours, the College was looking brighter and happier than usual. From the top of the Secondary Building our two great flags were fluttering joyfully together with the other 18 flags representing the 18 different nations to which our 800 pupils belong. Already yesterday evening we had the official commemoration; Doctor Wassif spoke on behalf of the Old Boys, our Principal, Rev. Fr. Zanini in his address tried to join the past and the present glories of the College, and lastly our beloved Bishop Baroni delivered the speech which won the heart and great applause of the audience. This morning His Grace the Delegate celebrated Holy Mass in our Hall. His sermon was particularly appreciated. The choir produced excellent music; it was ably conducted by Rev. Fr. Menini while Rev. Fr. Orlando was at the Harmonium. At midday the Boarder: were grateful at our Sisters: the dinner was fitting the occasion; but we were repeatedly told to be moderate because at three p.m. in full uniform we had to fall in smartly behind our Captain and Leaders. The numbers of Spectators far exceeded the audience of previous years. The four Houses put up a smashing good performance - Fr. Albert was at last rewarded of the hardships met in training the young athletes. The girls were always smart in various items too. The presence of so many distinguished Personalities and of thousands of friends gave new energies to the different sports. When the cups were awarded the echo of the Hurrahs could be heard very far. The House of York was victorious, but it was closely followed by he House of Kent. Unquestionably this was
one of the finest displays ever held in our Ground. We
warmly thank all those who cooperated to his success,
particularly the Sisters and their Students.
It gives me great pleasure to be in your midst this afternoon and take part in your "Speech Day". It reminds me of my school days, but it is much more gratifying to see the great advance that has been made since then in the chances for further and higher education. Those of you who have finished their primary course are happily looking forward to the secondary, and those who received their school leaving certificates are either having an eye on the University College of Khartoum or other Universities outside the Sudan, or else are intending to enter life as useful citizens. Whatever life, you may choose to take, let me assure you that you were fortunate enough to have had a chance of passing through this institution. Comboni College is renowned for its discipline, character training and high attainments in the academic and vocational fields. So I wish you sincerely success in your future careers and I would like to leave with the following words: "The Sudan regards Comboni College as one of its really good schools. You belong to that School, so keep always its good name". Ali Abdel Rahman Minister of Education |
Typing and Commercial Subjects The list of our College activities would not be complete without a quick glance to the noisy Hall where a great number of Students learn Typing and Book-keeping. Under the vigilant guide of the Rev. Fathers Menini and Albert many of them have obtained a very useful Certificate from a "The Institute of Book-keepers" London. Many of our Old Boys scattered all over the Sudan have expressed their gratitude to the College for this practical training, which gave them a job in their life. |
Our memorable 25th anniversary Day was in is full swing when a sealed letter from Oxford University was handed by our Principal over to Rev. Fr. Philip. You could see him eagerly breaking the seals and then scream with a happy "Deo Gratias" (Thanks to God). Few minutes later in front of the twelve thousand spectators just before starting the Display the exciting news was given out « Oxford Exams results have just came in - We are glad to announce that they are very good". The thrilling news was
greeted with a long applause; the Oxford Candidates and
their Parents and Tutors were congratulated for the good
results that had been so long awaited. |
1.AHMED FOUAD ABDEL SALAM: Arabic - History - Art - Mathematics - English Language. 2.ALAMIN MOMAMED ALAMIN: English Language -English Lit. - Arabic - History- Mathematics- General Science- Additional General Science. 3. ANGELO MECOZZI: French - Italian - History - English Language -English Lit. - Religions Knowledge - General Science. 4. ARAM BOGMOS KALPAKIAN: English Language - English Lit. - French - History - Religious Knowledge - Geography - Mathematics - General Science - Additional General Science. 5. ATMANASIOS PAGOULATOS: English Language - English Lit. - French - Modern Greek- History- Religious Knowledge - Mathematics - General Science - Additional General Science. 6.CHRISTOS LAMBRIANOS: English Language - English Lit. - French - Modern Greek - History - Religious Knowledge - Mathematics- Physics- Commercial Subjects B and C. 7. DAFALLA MOHAMED NASIR: English Language - English Lit. - Arabic - History - General Science - Geography - Additional General Science. 8.DIKRAN NOUBAR EBIPANE: English Lit. French - Art -Mathematics- Commercial Subjects B and C - English Lang. - History - Religious Knowledge. 9. DIMITRI ANTOUN ZACHARIA: Arabic - History - Mathematics - General Science. 10. EL TAYEB MOHAMED NASIR: English Language - English Lit. - Arabic - History - Geography - General Science - Additional General Science. 11. EMMANUEL DAOUD: English Language - English Lit. - Arabic - History - Mathematics - General Science - Additional General Science - Religious Knowledge - Commercial Subjects B. 12. GAMAL YOUSEPH GANDIL: English Language - English Lit. - French - Arabic History - Mathematics. 13. HUSSEIN MOHAMED HUSSEIN: English Language - English Lit. - French - Arabic - History - Mathematics - Commercial Subjects B and C. 14. JOSEPH BALADI: English Language - English Lit. - Arabic - History - Religious Knowledge - Art - Mathematics - General Science - Additional General Science. 15. MOMAMED SAAD EL NOUR: English Language - English Lit. - Arabic - Mathematics - General Science. 16. NASSIF MAGAR SIDHOUM: Arabic History - Mathematics - English Lit. General Science. 17. SAAD SAYED RAMADAM: Arabic Mathematics - English Lit. - History - General Science - Additional General Science. 18. SHAKER FAHAM MICHAEL: Arabic Mathematics - English Language - English Lit. 19. SOLOMON GOLDENBERG: English Lang. - English Lit. - French - History -Mathematics - Commercial Subjects B. General Science - Additional General Science. |
The College staff 1954-55 |
"It is holy and meet to pray for the dead" It was a sudden and very sad news that which was brought to the College on 2lst June, 1954, about Fr. Brundu. He had gone out fishing, and he never came back: the Nile became his tomb. The good father had worked for one year in the Boarding House: the Ist Group of Boarders had him as a sure guide and an amiable example. We all miss him very much. He is now resting in the cemetery, together with other four fathers who died while working in our College. l2th October, 1954. Nino Scilipotti died this morning at the Civil Hospital of Khartoum. He had been for two years a pupil in our College: a bright example of noble character, constant will and charming behaviour to all. The great number of people who attended his funeral service at the Cathedral testified to the esteem and love that he enjoyed. While conveying our deepest feelings of sympathy to his bereaved parents and relatives, we trust to have many other young men like Nino in our College. |
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