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Nel 1991 il governo ha
lanciato una riforma educativa presentata come "rivoluzionaria". I principali
obiettivi erano un allargamento della popolazione scolastica ed un suo
decentramento. La scelta dell'arabo come lingua unica ed ufficiale per
l'intero sistema scolastico ha fatto da corollario a questo provvedimento.
La valutazione della Chiesa Cattolica sudanese è stata però molto critica. Appoggiandosi anche a delle dichiarazioni pubbliche di noti esponenti del governo, la Chiesa ha fatto notare come le nuove direttive finiscano per caratterizzare tutto il sistema in senso marcatamente islamico. A sostegno di questa tesi sono state raccolte una serie di dichiarazioni comparse sui principali quotidiani sudanesi che qui pubblichiamo. Tratto da: General Secretariat Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference, n. 5/1991, Sept. - Oct. 1991, pp. 1-4 |
This report presents how the New Sudanese Education Policy, declared on May 24th 1991, has benn presented in the three Sudanese newspapers (Al-Qwat Al - Musallaha (Q.M.), Al Inqad Al Watani (I.W.) and Al Sudan Al Hadith (S.H.), since the first of September 1999 till October 20. We have given a special attention to both, the newspapers' commentaries and declarations or speeches of Government members, on different occasions during this period. During this time some events
took place in connection with this educational problem: The Students' Demonstration
in Juba Town, the inspection that the Government authorities have started
on Churc school for displaced children in Khartoum and, the indications
or "rumors" that these schools are to be taken over by Government.
1. Accusation against Private schools: "...the aim of private schools is to earn money quickly. They (the Private Schools) have forgotten their educational role. They hold meetings without inviting their teachers and instead of discussing their teachers' problems, school needs of blackboard, fans, books, etc, they decided to increase the students fees ... (Q.M. 2-9-91 page 3). The Minister of Education, after he visited some private schools on 11-9-1991, affirmed: "the lack of educational materials, books and teachers and the non-observation of the directives of the Ministry of Education regarding the acceptance of students who did not pass the official examination..." and also, he said, "many teachers do not receive both the salary during holidays and the opportunity of their on-going formation...". The news concludes with the names of schools visited by the Minister of Education, among them, Sisters' Schools and Comboni Schools (I.W. 12-9-91 page 1), without specifying the guilty ones. On 4-10-91 page 4 of "Qwat
Al Musallaha" presents the names of some schools with some of the problems
above mentioned, some statistics about private schools and announces the
new rules of the private schools. It is worth mentioning the following:..."
The Authority of Education in the States can order the cessation of the
school permission to any non Governmental school if:
2. Accusation against the Higher Education National Association There are some accusations
against the Higher Education National Association regarding the non observance
of Ministry of Education directive, as follows: ..."The Higher Education
National Association behaves as it has the power to make decrees... it
pays no attention to the Ministry of Education's decrees ...and this National
Association ordered its schools to accept students who failed the examinations
without having the official document from the Ministry of Education which
granted it to adopt the resolution.." (S.H. 22-9-91 page 5). This accusation
was written also in the same newspaper (on 7-10-1991 page 4) during an
interview with the Minister of Education.
3. Accusation against the Church: In the article "Schools of "Al - Dawa" Organization", published by Kamal Hamid in Al Sudan Al Hadith on 25-9-1991, page 3, we read: "One of the best successful projects of "Al Dawa Islamia" is the project, that was born as a giant, to stop, as a thorn in the throat, the schools of Christianization which spread over the capital of Khartoum to infuse the poison...". On the occasion of the opening of a Libyan Culture Centre in Wad Medani its director, Mr. Haidar Al Zuruq Al Ja'arany, said:..."Blessed be God because we have a conscious, intelligent youth and firm in its Islamic religion and Arab character who are not impressed by the influencing factors and temptations and they are aware of the conspiracy of the Imperialism and Christianity which attempt to destroy the Arabic people" (Q.M. 16-10-91 page 6). On 10-10-91 Al Qwat Al Musallaha, on page 3, presented an article of six columns under the headline "The Christianity grins". The author, Al Sirr Hassan Jaksim, tries to analyse the wars in Sudan since its indipendence. Tha accusation against the Church emerges clearly as he writes: ..."We have seen those Churches, which exploited its temples and altars for the prayers and repentance but in the darkness the Chruches used them for brainwashing and to sow the seeds of hidden hatreds". "The missionaries, sisters and priests who lived in those jungles, worked hard work to sow the spirit of hatred, and the aversion among the natives of this single land, Sudan. Jesus ... has never preached hatred, but he was a person full of humanity, who loved peace... he was merciful even with the sinners ... We have heard hymns, David's psalms, mingled with clergymen suggestions and desires, when they collected children in classrooms to diffuse this nonsense and fallacious lies and ideas of hatred". "Time passed, the missionary
organizations left and they were followed by Church organizations with
a new shape and Satanic strategy who pretend to dry the tears of the poor
and the prodigals by sending relief for displaced people whereas the country
is under agony, the tragedy of the war...".
4. Some Reactions On 26-9-91 the Sudan Al Hadith under the column "Hadith wa Ta'aliq" (page 2), the journalist Mohammad Said Ma'aruf writes:.. "The Minister of Education said ... that some popular schools subjugates the students and use the school for commercial purposes and not for educational aims... This verdict of guilty proclaimed by the Minister of Education without informing the reasons of it and the names of the guilty schools hae the consequence that now people started to guess who are these schools. Till now the accusation falls over all the private schools... and also the students became suspicious on their education and values... The journalist defends the role played by the private schools: "...The popular and private schools have taught, during the colonial times, more students than the government schools..." So, the journalist adds: "the Minister of Education is requested to explain his accusations because he is the first person responsible for education, both in the private and in the government schools". Also Al Inqad Al Watani on
6-10-91 page 5, under the headlines "The popular teaching" the journalist
recognised the role played by the popular schools. Four days later, the
same newspaper under the column "Mawaaqif" the journalist Titawi recognised
also the importance of these schools: ..."We certainly recognised the great
role played by the private schools during the colonial times and after
independence... but now it is necessary that these schools enter into the
new general and higher educational revolution...". These two articles present
the necessity of a dialogue between the Minister of Education and the popular
and private schools".
5. The New Education Policy The Vice-President, Brigader
Al Zubeir Mohammad Salih, declared during a meeting with the treasurers
of funds to support the students on 17-9-91, published in Al Sudan Al Hadith
on 18-9-91 under the headline "Afaaw" (page 8), that: ..."the Higher Education
Revolution is not only a problem of increasing the number of students but
of the revolution regarding the foundation of education and the return
to the true sources, such as the society's belief, its Islamic religion
and its National culture..."
Also the same day and in "Al Sudan Al Hadith" page 8, the Minister of Education of Khartum State, Safia Abd Al Rahim, during a feast in Al Iurmuk school on 17-9-91 declared the Ministry's concern for the importance of the education and schooling of the people..." and it is concerned for sowing the national spirit and the Islamic values...". She announced the donation of 50.000 Ls. for building a prayer place in the school and also informed her wish to rename the Sahafa schools with Islamic names and asked the people to diffuse her proposal in all the schools in Khartum State". A similar report regarding the Khartum State Minister of Education's promise to build a mosque in the school compound, in this case in Tahnun school, was written in the same newwpaper on 23-9-91 p. 2 The decree of developing
the Afrinca Islamic Centre of Khartoum and transforming it into a University
was announced in the column "Saut" of "Al Qwat Al Musallaha", page 3, on
The new policy was presented also in an article written by Mahdy Saaty in Al Sudan Al Hadith on 10-9-91 page 3, as an answer to Lawyer Bobo about the "Education policy as rectification of the path". The author writes: ..."we must understand clearly that the country walks in a period of unity, reformation and therapy, so there must be no separation in the Salvation mentality between religion and state or between Universities and Mosques as it was the situation during the first Islamic period". During an Educational Meeting
in Dueim, the Minister of Education declared that: "...the children who
do not pass through the "Kwalwa" or kindergarten of do not memorize a part
of the Koran will not be admitted to the schools... the new educational
programme will be a pure Islamic Religious Educational programme and the
Islamic and African countries will be astonished...".
In Al Sudan Al Hadith on 1-10-91 page 5, the journalist Ismail Muhammad Ali interviewed the Minister of Guidance, Abdalla Deng, about the role of this Ministry in spreading the Islamic religion: ..."It is assured", the Minister said, "that Sudan will play an important role in Africa Islamization because Sudan is the carrier of Islamic and Arabic culture to Africa, but the enemies and conspirators distract Sudan with its internal problems and fighting in order to alienate Sudan from executing its important role ... We want to organise our own house. After we place the exemplary Islam in Sudan we will go to Africa, Asia and our European Muslim minorities..." During a feast on occasion of the graduation of the military popular group "Al Faruq", the President Omar Hassal Al Bashir said: ..."The Shari'a society is not only the application of legal punishments but education and creation of the perfect, integrative society...". The President, after he declared the weakness of the Islamic society with its divisions, added:... "God chose Sudan to apply the Islamic Law and we came to fulfil the people's will... We are concerned eith the Koranic teaching and Koranic application and we cancelled the distinction or separation between school students and Koranic students that the colonialist wanted to be continued..." (Al Inqad Al Watani 13-10-91 page 9). Conclusion: The overall impression is that the Education Revolution in Sudn is not only a matter of increasing the number of universities and students in every State, or improving the private schools and solving their teachers' problems. It is not the problem of increasing the subjects for examination or to change the language of teaching in schools and universities... What emerges in these newspapers is that the aim of the new education policy is to create a perfect Islamic and Arabic society. To unify the country: one culture, Arab, and one religion Islam... "we cancelled the separation betwreen school students and Koranic students... no separation between universities and mosques... the new educational system will be a pure Islamic Religious Educational Programme... Islamization of school names ... to use the arabization as a door to the Islamic foundation", etc. The newspapers present the Church, in this context of the new education policy, as an organization associated with imperialism and whose aim is to spread, in her temples and schools, the "poison" of hatred among the citizens in order to destroy, through a satanic strategy, the Arab community and Islam. These ideas, spread through the press and repeated for years, help to create a mentality against the Church as an enemy of the Government policy and Sudanese society. They can give the Government the key to stop Church schools and all her social and pastoral activities. |