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Il valore della diversità


Matura in questi anni quello che, nella mente della direzione del Comboni College, doveva essere il progetto e il significato ideale della scuola: la creazione di uno spazio in cui il rispetto della diversità culturale e religiosa divenisse cardine della pacifica convivenza fra i vari gruppi.
Estr. da "From then...till now 1929-1954", Comboni College Khartoum, 1954, p. 16.


"Visitors to our school have always been welcomed, and many have been the personalities, local and foreign, who have honured us with their visits and whose words of praise and encouragement we have treasured. The local authorities have been invited on several occasions and many an old student keeps in mind and cherishes the moment he was stepping out to receive either a certificate or a prize from the hands of a Governor, or the Minister of Education, or the Director of Education, or a Gordon College Professor.

What strikes our visitors most, is the sight of several hundreds students of different religions and nationalities attending the same classes and playing together in the play-ground; and truly if there is a kind of pride we cherish, that is the union which exist among our students, regardless of religion or race.
We are also proud of the close union between the Staff and the students, all making one great family, prompted by one great purpose, to prepare "men" for tomorrow..."

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