Rivista italiana di scienze politiche

Fondata da Bruno Leoni




Note e discussioni

Attività degli Istituti -  Notiziario






Brandt Karl How Should Prices Be Determined? 1 5-31
Corina John Incomes Policy. An International Survey 3 462-488
Fairbank John K. Tradizione e marxismo nella rivoluzione cinese 2 274-288
Firpo Luigi La facoltà di scienze politiche 4 667-687
Gross Feliks Sociological Analysis of a Political Party  4 702-719
Haberler Gottfried Monetary and Fiscal Policy for Economic Stability and Growth 1 32-48
Hayek F.A. The Constitution of a Liberal State 3 455-461
Leoni Bruno Rappresentanza politica e rappresentatività dei partiti 3 489-510
Leoni Bruno Sciopero e serrata oggi in Italia 1 49-70
Machlup Fritz Oligopoly and the Free Society 2 253-273
Sartori Giovanni La scienza politica 4 688-701
Suleiman Michael W. The Arabs and the West: Communication Gap 3 511-529
Zampetti Pier Luigi Regime rappresentativo e regime democratico 4 720-730







Alchian Armen How Should Prices Be Set? 2 369-382
Allais Maurice Growth without Inflation 2 348-354
Brozen Yale Welfare without the Welfare State 1 123-139
Campbell William F. Adam Smith, Jurisprudence and Externalities 1 169-176
Curato Federico A proposito di colonizzazione e decolonizzazione 1 177-178
Curato Federico Leopoldo Marchetti (1910-1967) 4 833-834
Daffos Lucien Politique des salaires et progrès économique 1 151-157
Del Vecchio Giorgio Sul "diritto di autodeterminazione" delle nazioni 2 289-291
Giglio Carlo Bilancio degli studi italiani sull'Africa 4 773-776
Herzstein Robert E. Violence and Community. Reflections on Diverse Ideologies from Cain to Hitler 3 590-600
Kemp Arthur

The Principles of a Free Society in Contrast to Welfare Paternalism in the United States

4 766-772
Kirzner Israel M. Methodological Individualism, Market Equilibrium, and Market Process 4 787-799
Kurebayashi Shigeo The Problem of Prices 2 389-395
Leoni Bruno Aspetti dello stato assistenziale nell'Italia contemporanea 2 308-316
Lottich Kenneth V. Culture and the Cultural Heritage 3 612-618
Lottich Kenneth V. The Role of Politics and the Intellectual Freedoms in the Communist Countries 2 396-404
Lutz F.A. Economic Situation and Economic Policy in Western Germany 4 731-735
MacRae Duncan Jr. The Sociology of  Legislatures 3 578-589
McCord Wright David Oligopoly in a Free Society 2 362-368
McLean Edward B. Marxism Considered as an Absolute Radicalism and the Effects on Marxist Political Behavior 3 548-566
Melis Renato Dall'economia alla filosofia, dalla filosofia alla politica. Appunti sul tema 1 71-90
Nishiyama Chiaki Arguments for the Principles of Liberty and the Philosophy of Science 2 336-347
Nutter Warren G. Pricing Policy for State-Owned Enterprises 2 383-388
Philbrook Clarence E. On Monetary Policy for Growth 1 140-150
Reisman George Definitions Pertaining to Production and Consumption 1 108-122
Rossolillo Francesco Bipartitismo e pluripartitismo in Europa 4 736-765
Rossolillo Francesco Le razze non esistono 3 567-577
Rotella Salvatore G. Montesquieu and the Federalist. A Research Note on Federalist 47 4 825-832
Roucek Joseph S. The Middle (Near) East and the Arabs 4 800-819
Roucek Joseph S. The Role of Youth in Modern Politics 1 91-107
Shenfield A. A. Fundamental Constitutional Problems. Rules:Yes, Authorities: No 4 820-824
Smolansky Oles M. Qasim and the Iraqi Communist Party: A Study in Arab Politics (Part One, 1958-1959) 2 292-307
Smolansky Oles M. Qasim and the Iraqi Communist Party: A Study in Arab Politics (Part Dwo, 1960-1963) 3 530-547
Solomon Victor Political Attitudes: a Sociological Interpretation 3 619-623
Spiro Herbert J. Comparative Analysis of Worker Participation in Decision-Making 4 777-786
Stigler George J. The Changing Problem of Oligopoly 2 355-361
Wood John B. Labour Management and Economic Growth 1 158-168
Woodcock George Trentino-Alto Adige: problemi di una regione autonoma 2 317-335
Zopolo Armando Obbligazioni tributarie sancite dalle carte costituzionali europee 3 601-611